King Richard III – A Typical Libra?

Libra 15th century

Libra - 15th century (Source:

I am in no way an experienced astrologer and my historical research about King Richard III is in no way complete, still some aspects came up during my reading, which might support a ‘Libra’ characterisation of King Richard, born on the 2nd of October, 1452.

My mother and sister are born under the Libra sign and I later discovered, that most of my close friends are Libras. So I have some kind of practical experience in coping with Libras, though not a formal astrological foundation for my article.

In this Huffington Post Horoscope, you will find some general analysis of a Libra born.

If you have further information or can contribute to the following musings, please feel free to comment, extend or correct in the comment section to this article. Thank you!


Character aspects for me typically connected to a Libra born person are:

  • deep sense of justice
  • ability to balance opposites
  • sense for beauty (one’s own and in one’s surrounding)
  • strong drive to make things better and/or more beautiful


Negative aspects, as every zodiac sign has some:

  • indecisiveness

(Due to the ability to understand opposite positions, the Libra born sometimes has a hard time in coming to a decision which side to support.)


Why do I see King Richard III as a typical Libra:

There are many aspects in his life and later during his reign, which in my opinion make him a typical Libra.

  • He never started an intrigue or initiated a political action, though he had lots of opportunity. On the contrary, he reacted and was driven by things and situations put upon him.
  • He tried to develop a balance between diverse opposite positions, family members and rivaling parties in his country.
  • He had a strong moral motivation to even accept to limit his own power as a noble by setting up a judicial system which did not divide between noble man and commoner.


In what historic circumstances do these aspects show themselves?

  • Richard III was placed between his fighting older brothers King Edward IV and George, Duke of Clarence. After the open rebellion by his brother George, he as the youngest of the three reached a reconciliation between his older brothers again.
  • He was in an arbitrator position between again King Edward IV and their mother, who like him did not like King Edwards wife, Elizabeth Woodville, and openly plotted against her eldest son.
  • He tried to find a just representation for the North, which was previously underrepresented. This placed him between the North and South in the political intrigues, whereas he as a man from the north with strong juridical knowledge tried to adjust the imbalance.
  • He appeased the rivaling parties in the northern parts of England with a great understanding of justice, the legal system of the time and understanding for the needs of each party.
  • He reached a kind of border peace between England and Scotland, with force and diplomacy.
  • In the long ongoing difference between nobles and royal power, his at first noble position and later as king, placed him in both realms, where he tried to create and form a better outcome.
  • King Richard tried to balance the dominance or hegemonic power of the nobles by implementing and re-enforcing a legal system for all equally, which placed him between nobles and subjects. With his actions he limited the rights of the nobles, who no longer stood beyond the law and could evade justice.


From these perspectives, King Richard III was in the middle of quite a lot of conflict and dispute, which he had to balance as a Libra. But as the horoscope by the Huffington Post states, a Libra does not shy away from conflict, but stays right in the middle of it – how true in this case.
With all the conflicts around him, it is no wonder he could not win in the end and here we did not even start to cover the conflict between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists, the genealogical aspect of conflict, leading to King Richard III’s end in the Battle of Bosworth.




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