King Richard III News from Leicester
The Press Conference in the Guildhall in Leicester today revealed fantastic news.
There were human remains found at a very significant and high status area of the choir of the Greyfriars church.
Though a definitive statement about if they belonged to King Richard III without mtDNA analysis (taking about 12 weeks) cannot be made right now, the condition of the skeleton has the following significant signs:

Site-map of the Medieval Church of the Grey Friars (Credit: University of Leicester)
- is in good condition
- is certainly male
- shows a significant trauma of the head. Parts of the back of the head are missing.
- has spinal abnormalities, which would result in a clearly visible higher right shoulder compared to the left. – But clearly no hunchback!
- has a barbed metal arrowhead in the vertebrae of the upper back
- was in good bodily condition and could have attended a battle
So the skeleton clearly belongs to someone died in battle and furthermore shows clear signs of what we know about King Richard III, if the exaggerations of the Tudor propaganda are dismissed.
As Philippa Langley from the Richard III Society comments:
The victors always write the history.
But now, according to Ms. Langley, if King Richard III were present today, he would want us to find the truth about him.
Complete confirmation only the laboratory research of the mitochondrial DNA now can give, which will take about 12 weeks to reveal the results.
These researches are based on a comparison with Mr. Michael Ibsen‘s mtDNA, who is a 17th generation relative in the female line to King Richard III, as the research by historian Dr. Ashdown-Hill could reveal.
Video by the University of Leicester about the archaeological research and procedures, with lots of material and explanations by Richard Buckley:
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