The King is Found – Long Live King Richard
♛ King Richard Armitage ♛
News concerning the film project(s) right from the interview of Philippa Langley with Ben Jackson (BBC Radio Leicester, 07.02.2013 after 3 p.m.):
Philippa Langley:
He [Richard Armitage] is pitching it [the Richard III movie project] in LA as we speak.
People have said he [Richard Armitage] is too tall, but he has just played a dwarf.
The interview should be ready for download or to re-listen on the BBC Radio Leicester website shortly.
♛ King Richard III ♛
YouTube video of the research results revealed at the press conference on Monday, February 4th, 2013, uploaded by the University of Leicester.
“The Search for King Richard III – The Scientific Outcome”
(Source: University of Leicester )
- Dundee University helps bring King Richard III back from the dead, by Jennifer Cosgrove (06.02.2013) – About the technical steps to recreate the image and sculpture of King Richard III.
- Heritage of Wales News (Blog): Rhys ap Thomas and the fatal blow that killed Richard III on Bosworth Field, by Helen Rowe (06.02.2013) – Is the killer of King Richard III found?
- The Wall Street Journal: Shakespeare Has a (Parking) Lot to Answer For, by Andrew Roberts (06.02.2013) – Demands real exoneration of the king, now that he is found.
- How Richard III was discovered by an ex-Scotsman employee, by Stephen McGinty (06.02.2013) – Article about Philippa Langley and her search for King Richard III. She confesses to be not in love, but fascinated by him.
- Richard III: Murderous tyrant or misunderstood monarch? By Robert Gore-Langton (06.02.2013) – A Shakespeare follower’s view of King Richard III in contrast to the analysis of Dr. Lynda Pidgeon, research officer from the Richard III Society.
- Richard III set to be buried in Leicester as university makes final decision, by (07.02.2013) – The Battle of the Cities seems decided.
- The Week: King Richard III was a man of courage and never a child-killer, by Crispin Black (06.02.2013) – Now that King Richard III is found, his moral is under renewed scrutiny.
[…] a modern jury would dismiss much of the ‘evidence’ against him before the first tea break.
♛ Battle of the Cities ♛
I had so much hoped that the War of the Cities could come to a good end which would satisfy all involved cities. Now it seems, the fighting finally comes to an end.
I hope all involved parties, fiercely fighting for the King, will find benefit in the final decision in favour of the Cathedral in Leicester.
Here some news reports and the breaking of the news about Leicester Cathedral:
- Hands off Richard III – Leicester’s anger at campaign to bury King’s remains in York, by Laura Elvin (06.02.2013) – The Leicester side of the war.
- Odds on, Richard III will stay in Leicester (07.02.2013) – Bets are in favour of Leicester – 3 to 1.
- Richard III set to be buried in Leicester as university makes final decision, by Adrian Troughton and Peter Warzynski (07.02.2013)
- York Minster cancel campaign to reclaim the bones of Richard III from Leicester, by PA_Wazynski (07.02.2013) – The end of the Battle of the Cities after all.
- York Minster: Chapter statement regarding Richard III (07.02.2013) – Finally the official ending of the war.
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