To Celebrate King Richard III
♛ King Richard III ♛
- BBC News Leicester: Richard III visitor centre plans unveiled in Leicester (13.06.2013)
- Plans for Richard III Centre revealed, by Leicester Mercury (13.06.2013)
- The Northern Echo: Exploring the truth behind Richard III, by Mark Foster (13.06.2013) – York celebrates King Richard III for 12 months.
- The York Press: York’s year-long celebration of King Richard III (13.06.2013)
- Yorkshire Post: Richard’s city bids to put flesh on bones of his legend, by Paul Jeeves (13.06.2013)
- York: Richard III: Rumour and Reality (13.06.2013) – 12 Month of discovering King Richard III’s history and his connection to the city of York.
- Richard III: Leicester visitor centre designs unveiled, by Peter Warzynski, Leicester Mercury (14.06.2013) – To honour King Richard III in the new permanent exhibition in Leicester.
[…] we have to treat the remains with dignity and respect.
Putting them on display might not be the best way to honour that.
(Sir Peter Soulsby, Mayor of Leicester) - Richard’s story in TV spotlight, by Tom Mack and Adrian Troughton, Leicester Mercury (15.06.2013) – Not Richard III, but his wife Anne Neville in the focus as one of the three leading women in the female Wars of the Roses.
- Fly High! (Blog): The War of the Roses in a Major BBC Drama Series: The White Queen, by Maria Grazia (15.06.2013) – About the new TV-series “The White Queen” and the importance of depicting a ‘new’ King Richard III.
- University of Leicester: Chance for Year 12 pupils to work with archaeologists who discovered Richard III (17.06.2013) – More information on the website of the University of Leicester.
- Richard III: Internships offered on new archaeology dig, by atroughton (17.06.13)
- PukaarNews: Leicester Schoolchildren Learn about Richard III, by pukaarnews (YouTube) (18.06.2013) – Video about the introduction of Leicester school children to King Richard III’s history. With this video, we just can learn a bit alongside with them…
- BBC News: New Richard III replica skull goes on display (18.06.2013) – A new, much more detailed replica of King Richard III’s skull was created by the University of Loughborough on a 3D printer, to enable future research after King Richard III’s re-interment.
- BBC Radio 3: York Festival of Ideas – Wars of the Roses – Free Thinking Festival, Free Thinking in the Summer (18.06.2013) – A discussion about the Wars of the Roses and King Richard III in York. Rana Mitter is chairing the debate from the York Festival of Ideas on the legacy of the War of the Roses with Helen Castor (Historian / Author), Dr. Sandy Grant (University of Lancaster) and Prof. Mark Ormrod (University of Leicester), held Sunday, 16th June 2013.
Well worth to listen in. The audio recording is still available on the BBC website here. - Richard III: Updated skull replica to go on show, by PA_Warzynski (19.06.2013)
York Event Calendar:
To celebrate King Richard III, who started his reign as King of England 530 years ago, and actor Richard Armitage, whom we want to help into his reign in the role as King of England, the KRA website is again planning a
“King Richard Armitage Week 2013”
from the 21st to 28th of August, 2013.Contributions and Support are very welcome.
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