Richard III on Mr. Armitage’s Bucket List
Richard Armitage was interviewed by The Broadway Channel – “Love, Love, Love’s Richard Armitage on Dancing Like a Teenager Backstage, His Royal Bucket List Role & More” (01.12.2016) about his role as Kenneth in the play “Love, Love, Love”.
Part relevant for King Richard III, transcribed from the video accompanying the interview article:
What role is on your acting bucket list?
Yeah, there is a role on my bucket list. It has been there for a long time, actually. I’d like to play Richard III in some context, whether that’s the Shakespearean version or another version. I was born on the day that he died and I was named after him, so I feel like I have to […] get into his head, or something.
Video by: The Broadway Channel, 01.12.2016
Produced by: Lisa Spychala
Photographer: Emilio Madrid-Kuser
Shot & Edited: Nick Shakra
Graphics: Tony Mendoza
Safer King-A … Adoration
No risk, no fun? – Not with the KRA website !
We are safe and have fun !
From now on, our adoration for King Richard Armitage gets even the more safe.
The whole website today was transfered to SSL encryption and allows safer surfing.
That does not affect links you might have already put on your own website or bookmarked somewhere, as all previous links are forwarded to the new safe ones.
Thank you for your loyalty and continued support !!!
Best wishes,
Happy Birthday, (King) Richard Armitage !
Happy Birthday, Mr. Armitage !!!
As unfortunately my relationship to sugar is still very strained, I even am reluctant to put the picture of a virtual birthday cake here. But knowing that my reactions fortunately do not affect others in the same way, I can gladly put my hesitancy aside and wish unhindered birthday celebrations.
I wish Mr. Armitage the best of luck and health, and a big, sweet and delicious birthday cake (not just virtual, but a real one)!
Happy 563rd Birthday – Winners of the KRA-Quiz
Happy 563rd birthday, King Richard III!
Sorry that I am late with my congratulations and this post. Two work projects kept me awake almost around the clock lately and I must admit, I tried to catch up a bit the last days and slept through a good part of your birthday.
So the announcement of the winners of the KRA-Quiz 2015 comes a bit later than anticipated, but at least the winners already got an e-mail notification.
KRA-Quiz Champions 2015
The winners won so clearly that no drawing or ballot decision was necessary. (I am very glad about that, because I hate having to play fate. Perhaps that is the reason why I subconsciously made the quiz so difficult this time?!)
Both winners have a headstart of some points over the rest of the field, so there can be no doubt who the KRA-champions of 2015 are:
Richard III-Champion 2015
Richard Armitage Champion 2015
Andrea Castano
Well done ! And thank you for all your participations !!!
From the feedback I got regarding the quiz, it was really tough this year. I still hope you had fun and enjoyed the questions.
So congratulations to all participants of the quiz, for taking up the challenge!
The solution of the quiz will be posted shortly. Please give me a few more days to get the page up.
Congratulations & Commemoration – KRA-Quiz 2015 Opened !
♛ Happy Birthday Richard Armitage ♛
Happy Birthday, Mr. Armitage !!!
Success, fulfillment and happiness and the most essential, health, on your life’s journey.
And always enough chocolate to make your day!
♛ KRA-Quiz 2015 ♛
With a rush and a hectic a new year went away like a slight brush of wind and once again it is time to find our champions.
Though I was a bit disappointed by the rather localised event for King Richard III in Leicester, which in my opinion could have been a country wide, if not even a world-wide event,
the KRA-website does not discriminate or exclude from our quiz!
Wherever you are, from wherever you join us, take part and try your knowledge
- about King Richard III
- and Richard Armitage.
KRA once again searches for the King Richard III-Champions.
This year, we search two champions.
In the previous quizzes it became apparent that some have strengthes on one or the other side, meaning Richard III or Richard Armitage.
So this year, we search for two separate champions:
- The King Richard III – Champion 2015 and
- the Richard Armitage – Champion 2015.
Winning prices are:
- For the winner in the RIII-part (Page 1 of the quiz):
- For the winner in the RA-part (Page 2 of the quiz):
All participants till 30 September 2015 (in all time zones around the world) will take part in the drawing.
All questiones need to be answered, even if you know your strength is only on one page of the quiz. So two chances to win in one quiz!
The winners will be announced here on King Richard III’s birthday, the 2 October 2015.
I wish you all a successful and enjoyable quiz and a good time!
Go to KRA-Quiz 2015
Is Richard Armitage still interested in Richard III?
And as I never state something without proof, here comes the evidence:
— Richard Armitage (@RCArmitage) March 22, 2015
The route passed very close to my home and birth place. My family went to pay their respects. #riprichardthethird
— Richard Armitage (@RCArmitage) March 22, 2015
Most of what we 'know' of this history was penned by Tudor authors in support of a monarch with a fragile claim
— Richard Armitage (@RCArmitage) March 22, 2015
@RCArmitage to the crown. Tudor Propaganda perhaps? #wewillneverknow
— Richard Armitage (@RCArmitage) March 22, 2015
Petition to Coffining Richard III in a Religious Environment
Media and the ‘fact behind fiction’ are entirely topics on their own…
So, no further comment about what they currently make out of this new petition, but rather, what this new petition by the initiators of ‘Looking for Richard‘ really is about:
(I must admit, from the media reports about it, I really had difficulties making it out.)
That the team which initiated and persisted in the search for King Richard III cares about King Richard III, can be taken without doubt. That they want to assure his dignity and honourable treatment, is the main factor defining each step of their search, but also is the essence behind this new petition:
Petition to coffin King Richard III in a holy place
(open worldwide via
Contrary to the original agreement about the treatment of the remains of King Richard III, his bones have not been sent to rest in a church, awaiting his burial ceremonies.
The reasons of the University of Leicester for this are manifold, among those are, preserving (correct temperature, water level, etc.), security (against possible fanatics), transportation to the location, hindering of further research access, …
So King Richard III at the moment is stored in a scientific vault, like a research specimen, which for the University of Leicester he certainly is.
But besides having been King of England once, King Richard III also is a human being, for which certain treatment standards should be in place to ascertain his human dignity.
One of these standards, the ‘Looking for Richard’ team tries to insist upon with this new petition:
Giving King Richard a holy and not a scientific environment for being placed in his coffin.
From what the media makes out of this request and petition, you would think, the ‘Looking for Richard’ team wants to overthrow all the planning and work from either Leicester Cathedral and the University of Leicester for the burial ceremonies. Some even make me believe, a new war between religions is imminent.
Far from it !
The supporters of this petition come from all religious and none-religious backgrounds worldwide and have the one thing in common:
They are concerned about the scientific treatment of a human being, which sets a very utilitarian precedent of how to treat human remains where the scientific interest dominates and subjugates every other consideration.
This coffining in a holy place would give the found bones a ‘human dignity’ back and would assure that King Richard III is not only seen as a scientific curiosity, but also as a very religious man and human being.
It also would uphold consent for a treatment of human remains, not only of kings, but human beings in general, which researchers seem so easily to forget that King Richard III after all still is.
In this regard, think about how you would like to be treated and for once see King Richard III not as a spectacular historical oddity, but as a human being, and take action regarding this new petition as you see fit:
Petition to coffin King Richard III in a holy place
(open worldwide via
The petition will close at midnight (GMT) on Tuesday 24 February 2015. The results will be handed over to the re-interment board in Leicester.
More information and details about the ‘Looking for Richard’ team and new petition on the Looking for Richard website.
100 Days Till King Richard III’s Reburial
From today on there are only 100 days left till the reburial of King Richard III in Leicester Cathedral.
If you want to join the cermony, Leicester Cathedral starts a ballot procedure, to select participants for the ceremony. The procedure of ‘ballot’ was selected to find a fair way to chose among the many interested in the ceremony worldwide.
The ballot procedure starts at 8 a.m. [GMT] and is open till 31st December 2014 (12 a.m./noon).
The online access can be reached via this form provided by Leicester Cathedral on their website:
The places offered via the ballot are for the
- Reception service on Sunday 22 March
- the Reinterment service on Thursday 26 March and
- the Tomb Reveal service on Friday 27 March.
(Winners will be notified about 30 days after the ballot closes, so at the end of January 2015.)
Good luck and all the best wishes !
Richard Armitage about the King
Richard Armitage mentions King Richard III and a new Channel 4 documentary about the king, coming out next year, in the new interview:
Sunday Times interview with Richard Armitage by Ed Potton (28.11.2014)
(Quote from the RichardArmitageUS-FacebookPage.)
[…] He’s [Richard Armitage] always been drawn to conflicted roles: Oakenshield, Proctor, Lucas North, his double (triple?) agent in Spooks. “I know,” he smiles. “I need to do some comedy, don’t I?” He doesn’t mean it, though: he knows he’s best at playing men who combine light and shade. That may go back again to Richard III, with whom he inherited an obsession from his father. Armitage was set to be called Russell until he was born on the anniversary of Richard’s death at the Battle of Bosworth. His dad took that as a sign: he was instead named Richard.
When the King’s remains were recently discovered under a car park in Leicester, down the road from where Armitage grew up, he was thrilled. He hopes to be involved in a documentary about it for Channel 4 next year. How about playing him? He’s not hopeful: “He was a young man when he died.” Don’t believe that one, either: Armitage could make a splendid crookback. Imagine the mixtape for that one. […]
Happy Birthday & Quiz Winners Revealed !
Happy Birthday, King Richard III !
To be exact, happy 562. birthday !
KRA has no real birthday present for King Richard III, but we have three wonderful presents for our three
KRA-Champions 2014,
who won the KRA Quiz 2014:
The prices for our winners are:
- “Finding Richard III: The Official Account“, by Annette Carson, Philippa Langley, Dr. Ashdown-Hill (Pb)
- “Richard III: A Small Guide to the Great Debate” by Annette Carson (Pb)
- “The King’s Grave: The Search for Richard III“, by Philippa Langley, Michael Jones (Pb)
Our three winners and this year’s King Richard Armitage – Champions are:
- Iwona
- Janet Slocombe
- Andrea Castano
And they really are champions.
I admit, the quiz was hard this year, really hard.
So again this year, the selection of the winners was a point decision.
Still, I hope you all had fun answering the trick- and not so tricky questions.
The solution-page unfortunately was accumulated in a bit of a rush, as I had an overly hectic month of September, but I will try to extend it with more details and background information.