Press Coverage 2014
♕ Press Coverage 2014 ♕
Selection of articles published about the search and discoveries about King Richard III and the search for the king in Leicester 2014:
(Articles of the year 2012 can be found here.)
(Articles of 2013 are collected here.)
(As most articles mix topics, no further sub-groups are built, but the articles are listed in chronological order. Newest articles at the top.)
- Leicester Mercury: King Richard III coin set to fetch £5,000 at auction, by Peter Warzynski (September 4, 2014) –
Now we know how King Richard III really looked like. The image side of a coin minted in the time of his reign, shows his portrait.
Or now we rather know, why King Henry VII had to make certain, all doubt was erased that he had really killed the king and had to exhibit King Richard III.
The more than 500 year old coin goes on auction shortly.
- Leicester Mercury: Richard III: Leicester Cathedral denies cashing in on the reinterment, by Peter Warzynski (September 3, 2014) –
Leicester Cathedral – elitist or practical?
Who would have attended King Richard III’s burial, if he had had one real one with family at his time?
Perhaps his mother, but neither his wife nor son were still alive. So who would King Richard III like to attend this new ceremony in the year 2015, where his close family quite naturally is excluded?
- BBC News: Richard III ‘worth £45m to Leicester economy’ (August 27, 2014) –
History as economic factor. King Richard III, a late medieval king is able to boost economy worth £45m.
- New York Times: Richard III’s Rich Diet of Fish and Exotic Birds, by Douglas Quenqua (August 25, 2014) –
New research results (Article in “Journal of Archaeological Science” 2014 1-7) of the bone examination of King Richard III revealed interesting facts about his late travels and prefered food in the last years before his death, compared to his earlier life.
A comparison to other individuals of his lifetimes would now be nice, too, to bring the results into relation and draw real conclusions about his ‘royal lifestyle’.
- The Telegraph: Recreating Richard III: Channel 4’s “New Evidence”, by Florence Waters (August 16, 2014) –
Dominic Smee, 26 year old IT teacher, has King Richard III’s form of scoliosis and underwent training to prove the faculties and possible battle prowess of King Richard III. Channel 4 followed this process and the documentary will be broadcasted on Sunday, 17 August 2014.
- Leicester Mercury: Richard III: King’s last moments relived at Bosworth this weekend, by Peter Warzynski (August 15, 2014) –
About the re-enactment of the Battle of Bosworth, where King Richard III died 529 years ago.
- The Hinckley Times: Richard III reburial will include Bosworth return, by Karen Hambridge (August 14, 2014) –
Re-burial procedure and procession will include King Richard III’s return to his field of defeat at Bosworth, before he is brought to Leicester Cathedral.
- Armitage Agonistes (Blog): First Mention by Richard Armitage of Something New on the Horizon?, by Perry (August 12, 2014) –
Is Richard Armitage already progressing with his plans for a King Richard III film?
Speculation and hope grows …
- BBC News: Geoffrey Boycott claims Leicester wants Richard III to ‘make money’ (August 10, 2014) –
That King Richard III even influences today’s sport commentators, is hardly astonishing with the competitive mood all around the king, so similar to sportive competitiveness.
But to clear the matter, King Richard III was King of ENGLAND. Neither York nor Leicester have an overly special claim, except that his father’s title included the name ‘York’, while most of Richard III’s life, York opposed him and his family and supported his enemies. Only in his late years, York was more supportive due to financial favours he granted the town and its merchants, perhaps to enforce (buy) the town’s loyalty.
- Mike Pitts – Digging Deeper (Blog): What makes the new Richard III Visitor Centre “insulting”?, by Mike Pitts (August 10, 2014) –
A long article about the new Richard III Visitor Centre in Leicester with many interesting pictures.
Unfortunately, I can’t recommend the article itself, as it mixes up events (especially the controversy with the “Looking for Richard III Team”) so crudely, that the verity in the description is not very deep, though the author tries to give a well informed impression.
- The Telegraph: Leicester kept remains of Richard III to ‘make money’ – Boycott, by Tom Brooks-Pollock (August 10, 2014) –
Sports comentators arguing about King Richard III and his status as King of York and his exploitation by Leicester, while he was King of England and surely in his almost ‘modern’ economic thinking would have liked to further the tourism of either York and Leicester.
- The York Press: Archaeology project to unearth Richard III’s favourite York friary, by Haydn Lewis (August 9, 2014) –
Digging for King Richard III now inspires further diggin in York – for his potentially favourite friary.
- The Guardian: Richard III to be reburied at Leicester cathedral in March, by Press Association (August 7, 2014) –
Announcement of the reinterment date of King Richard III revealed in Leicester: 26 March 2015 (Thursday)
- Daily Mail Online: Long live King Richard III! How to seek out England’s most maligned monarch as his new £4m visitor centre opens in Leicester, by Frank Barrett (August 6, 2014) –
King Richard III draws attention to a new city on the English tourism map. Next to Nottingham, there is also history to discover in Leicester.
- The Economist: Richard III. A can of worms. What to do with a dead monarch (August 2, 2014) –
Controversy all around a King dead for over 500 years.
- Channel4 News: Richard III: The New Evidence (August 1, 2014) –
Channel 4 documentary will follow a young man, Dominic Smee, who has the same form of scoliosis and as a further link to King Richard III also is active in the Bosworth battle re-enactments.
- BBC News: Richard III visitor centre: Battle over web reviews (July 30, 2014) –
The Web and diverse opinions about the newly opened Richard III Visitor Centre in Leicester.
- Leicester Mercury: ‘Internet trolls’ attack Richard III Visitor Centre on Facebook page, by David Owen (July 30, 2014) –
Internet and truth have a rather weak relationship. Freedom of opinion, as much as the medium would technically support it, is rather limited as well, as those who shout loudest seem to be the majority, which they may or may not be… – Who can tell?
- Leicester Mercury: Richard III’s armour criticised for looking like a Star Wars stormtrooper, by Dan Martin (July 30, 2014) –
The Visitor Centre and its white armor reconstruction of King Richard III is under discussion. How best to cope with criticism? – Let visitors of the museum take part in adjusting the exhibition… – Richard III Visitor Centre, a collective effort in Leicester.
- Daily Mail Online: In a museum far, far away: Anger over reconstruction of Richard III’s armour which looks like a STAR WARS stormtrooper, by Chris Pleasance (July 29, 2014) –
King Richard III in Star Wars? Something must have gone wrong somehow at the Visitor Centre in Leicester! But the article shows, not only the armory reconstruction is not entirely truthful of King Richard III’s time, but also essential facts about the search are not represented in a correct way, as Annette Carson, author and Richard III specialist, reveals here.
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