

Name Lived Side Reference Real/Fiction
(Nickname) Titles Details
Cecily 1415 - 1495 York #Person5 Real
(Rose of Raby)

Duchess of York

Mother of King Richard III,
married to Richard, Duke of York, who claimed the English throne held by Henry VI's and his Queen Marguerite d'Anjou.
Edmund 1443 - 1460 York #Person3 Real

Earl of Rutland

Second oldest (surviving) brother of King Richard III. Died in the Battle of Wakefield (30th of December 1460), rumoured to be executed by Lord Clifford (Lancastrian) himself, as revenge for the death of his father five years ago in the first Battle of St. Albans.,_Earl_of_Rutland
Edward 1442 - 1483 York #Person1 Real

Earl of March,
Lord of Wigmore and Clare,
King Edward IV of England

Oldest brother of King Richard III
King of England from 4 March 1461 – 3 October 1470
and 11 April 1471 – 9 April 1483
George 1449 - 1478 Switching position #Person7 Real

Duke of Clarence

Third oldest (surviving) brother of King Richard III.,_Duke_of_Clarence
Henry VI 1421 - 1471 Lancaster #Person8 Real

King Henry VI of England

Lancastrian line. Married to Marguerite d'Anjou. Causing the Wars of the Roses with his mental instability.
Henry VII 1457 - 1509 Lancaster #Person11 Real

King Henry VII of England

First Tudor king of England. Married with Elizabeth of York, the (illegitimate) niece of King Richard III and daughter of King Edward IV.
James 1450 - 1502 York #Person10 Real

Sir James Tyrell

Loyal to King Richard III, made High Sheriff of Cornwall in the year 1484 and Commander of Guisnes on January 13th, 1485. He was in France during the time of the Battle of Bosworth, later pardoned by King Henry VII and re-appointed Commander of Guisnes. After supporting Sir Edmund de la Pole, 3rd ... more ... Duke of Suffolk, the remaining main Yorkist claimant to the throne, in the year 1501, he was beheaded after torture, where he admitted killing the Princes in the Tower under orders of King Richard III, though he could not provide their whereabouts.
Joan  -  York #Person4

Nurse of Richard III

Richard 1411 - 1460 York #Person6 Real

Duke of York

Father of King Richard III,
Leader in the Wars of the Roses and claiming the English throne, died in the Battle of Wakefield (30th of December 1460),_3rd_Duke_of_York
Richard III 1452 - 1485 York #Person2 Real

Duke of Gloucester,
King Richard III of England
Véronique  -  York #Person9 Fake

Lady in waiting to Anne Neville and lover of Francis Lovell


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