One Month Alert: August 22
Today is July 22, exactly one month until August 22, which is Richard’s 40th birthday and the anniversary of Richard III’s death.
CDoart and I are brainstorming about how we can celebrate this “dual” event over a week and broadcast this project far and wide across the Internet. We hope to have more updates very soon, but invite you all to share your ideas and plans.
How do you want to celebrate August 22?
New Feedback for Richard III
Today the released a new interview with Richard Armitage where he mentions the Richard III-project again.
One day he’d like to have a go at ultimate baddie Richard III.
We are on the right way!!!
Though, I am sure, some of us would not mind RA taking off his shirt as well ;o)
But that he really looks well with one, he lately proved in his appearances in Hollywood and New York for the “Captain America” premiere:
A Kingdom for a Crown …
When I see pictures like those, I imagine him with a crown. His dark, menacing look, his protective grip with his hand over his heart.
What beautiful King Richard Armitage would be.
Read the full interview with screenshots of some accompanying videos (only available for iPad) on