Monthly Archives: November 2011

Fan-Art: GizTheGunslinger and King Richard III

Our presented fan-artist today is well known in the fan community:




Before we will reveal her amazing artwork for our King Richard, we ask her some questions about herself and her fandom.


How did you find Richard Armitage and what was your first encounter with this British actor?

I saw him for the first time in 2008 in “Robin Hood” and I was immediately struck by this actor. Of course at that time I only thought: “Gosh, he is so alluring”. Then there was: “What a marvelous actor he is!”. And now I think I can say with certainty that he is also a very good person.


When and how did you find / get involved in the Richard Armitage fandom?

First of all I searched for the Russian RH web-site where I found out who played Sir Guy of Gisborne. For a long period of time my obsession didn’t leave these “borders”. But then I found some wonderful RA web-sites and forums. I can’t say that I am an active user there, but I like to read what other people write. And I am really impressed by many wonderful ladies whom I met there.


What interests you most about King Richard III?

I think the most interesting thing to me about him is the way he is shown in different literary works and films. I think it’ll be very interesting to see how Mr. A would present this ambiguous person from his point of view.


Can you share a for you very special fan-event / moment determining your interest in Richard Armitage / King Richard with us?

I was interested in Medieval history from my childhood. It began with myths, legends and eposes (especially those from England and Iceland). Then I was carried away by the Crusades, knights and the whole spirit of this period of time. Historical facts about Richard III were particularly gripping.

When I heard that Mr. A wants to make a film about this king I was pleasantly surprised. With his scrupulous approach to every work I think he’d make very accurate and thrilling film.

Just some days ago me and my sister were watching “Anonymous” and there was a moment when they were staging a play on Shakespeare’s “Richard III” and one of the heroes said something like:
The main villain in history”.
I snorted and nudged my sister.
You were drawing him recently” – she laughed.


Do your friends / family / colleagues share your fandom / admiration for King Richard, GizTheGunslinger?

Unfortunately, nobody shares my interest in King Richard, so I am here on my own. But I am very happy that you made this wonderful site dedicated to our King Richard III.


How did you come to do drawings / paintings?

As long as I remember I was always drawing something. Though it all began with… dinosaurs. I drew only these huge reptiles.

At the age of 11 I read “Harry Potter” and thought that I wanna draw people too.

But only when I discovered Tolkien books I seriously thought about my drawing skills. I wanted to portray the heroes of Middle-Earth. However, even LOTR wasn’t that stimulus which made me draw portraits.

You may guess where I am leading to.

Only after I discovered Richard I began drawing the way I do it now. When I am looking through his photos I’m always noticing those from which I could draw a picture.


The artwork looks so very professional and the creative composition is amazing. Are you a professional illustrator? When seeing your drawing, we immediately thought about a book illustration or a film with your work.

Unfortunately I am not. I am just a boring economist (valuer). Or I’d rather say I am preparing to be the one of many as I am still studying at the University. But I am already thinking about the second higher education. And this time it’ll be something artistic, some kind of design I think (landscape or costumes).
P.S.: Oh, I would like to see a film with any of my drawings too 😀


Would you like to share some of your favourite inspirations, spots, websites, blog, etc. on the internet?

Well, the main inspirers are all wonderful RA-web-sites and blogs, such as



RACentral and of course our


Nat’s blog,



BccMee and dozens of other great people who run their own blogs and sites. I just think I can’t exploit the situation to express my thankfulness to that entire people.

Also I get inspiration from the other drawings and paintings.

Among my favourite artists are Salvador Dali (,

Claude Monet ( and

Hieronymus Bosch (

And two most fave illustrators: Alan Lee and John Howe (

But the main inspiration is RA himself, all Tolkien books and music (especially Depeche Mode


You are very famous for your fan-videos. What artwork did you create / can you share with us?

If you want to, you can see other my drawings here:

These are not all I drew. Many pictures I just don’t upload anywhere. Also I like making videos:
Some years ago I even tried to write stories about my own fictional world. But after several chapters I thought that it all look like a plagiarism. So I gave it up. I was even writing poetry, but gosh, it’s so hard to find a rhyme to a word. And now I am trying to sort out photoshop.


After seeing the following drawing by GizTheGunslinger, I am sure you will like to check out all her resources and recommendations.



King Richard III by GizTheGunslinger



Here are some close up images of this fierce King Richard III with his banner and in full battle armour:
(Please click on one of the images to see it in more detail.)

King Richard III by GizTheGunslinger King Richard III by GizTheGunslingerKing Richard III by GizTheGunslingerKing Richard III by GizTheGunslinger




































The closeups show nicely the wonderful details GizTheGunslinger has enwoven into the drawing of King Richard:

The stamping on his cuirass is the emblem of the House of York; fleur-de-lis (king’s lily) on his shoulder. And the banner he is holding is the personal banner of Richard III which he borne at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. It is a swallow-tailed pennant with the cross of St. George at the hoist, the fly divided blue over red, with a white boar and white roses (of York) over all.

As comparison, here are pictures of the banner and coat of arms:

Personal Banner of King Richard III









Personal banner of King Richard III – Source: CRWFlags


Royal Arms of England













Royal Arms of England – Source:




Thank you very much, GizTheGunslinger, for this wonderful interview and the so skillful artwork full of historical detail. It shows such attention to either King Richard III and Mr. Armitage. 



Fan-Art banner small


Phylly posted a new article with a collection of wonderful fan-art concerning ‘our’ King Richard.


All further contributions and previous blog posts are collected on the

Richard-Fan-Art page

Here you find a collection of fan-art and links to all related blog posts.


Have lots of fun and enjoy !


P.S.: Please contact us here when you are ready with your creations, may it be drawings, paintings, text, poetry or freestyle. The form of expression is entirely up to you. We are looking forward to present you and your work on KingRichardArmitage.

P.P.S.: Don’t forget to sign the petition to support the filming project “Richard III” by Richard Armitage, if you have not done so already ;o)




500 Petition Signatures – Thank You !


Thank you, dear supporters and followers of the King Richard Armitage – Petition.

We have now

500 signatures


to the petition for the filming of the life of “King Richard III” by Richard Armitage.

First I wanted to start by thanking all 500 signers of the petition, then I hesitated. Now, I only thank 499 signers of the petition, because, as you well can imagine, one signature is my own ;o)

I hope our collective effort shows the wide support and interest this filming project already has in its early stadium and will be able to convince financiers and investors, to take up this wonderful and historically long overdue project idea by Mr. Armitage.


500 petition signaturesGo to sign…


Please keep up the good work and support by spreading the knowledge about this petition. Thank you !

Fan-Art: Riikka and her King Richard III – King of Ghosts

With Riikka, we present an artist from Finland, approaching the fan-art topic from the historic and a ‘fantastic’ side. Her wonderful creations tell an own story. But before we share the King Richard art, let us introduce




to you in the following interview:


Regarding her amazing work, we could not prevent asking, if Riikka is a professional book illustrator or graphic artist.

I’m not an illustrator yet, I’m on training. I’m studying art […] in Finland. Yes, I’m a Finn and I had no ties to England and sometimes my fellow men think that my interest is quite odd.

As King Richard Armitage website, our interest not only is in King Richard III, but also in the actor, Mr. Richard Armitage. What is your connection and how did you come accross this actor, Riikka?

The first time I saw Mr. Armitage was a pure chance. I wrote on the Google’s search bar simply “King Richard III” because I was searching some new ways of approaching and I saw his face. Then I took a closer look… I thought he looked nice and some way he looked like King Richard in a way which no other actor before him had looked like.
At first I didn’t know his name but one of my friends knew and then I saw his fan page at Facebook…

What interests you most in King Richard III?

Well, that’s a tough one…
It’s quite hard to explain but I’ll try. I was 10 and a half when I and my mother moved to another town and to me it was hard to adjust to a new surrounding. Then one night we watched “Black Adder” and there I saw him and it was love at the first sight. Since I live in Finland there was not much of information about him in our library so I had to order all those books about him from USA or England. Because of the lack of information I made up stories about him and on some level I felt a strong cohesion to him and it helped me to carry on through the difficult times.

Would you like to share some of your favourite inspirations with us?

I have quite few of favorites but here are the very best:
Sharon Kay Penman, Freda Warrington and Joan Szechtman. They are all novelists who have made the best ones of all the Richard III novels.

Can you share a for you very special moment determining your interest in King Richard with us?

The most special moment in my whole life was when I entered into King Richard III’s museum at York. After 13 years of waiting I finally got there, it was like stepping through the gates of Heaven.

How did you come to do drawings / paintings?

I have been drawing since I learned how to walk and when my mother gave me a pen and a blank sheet of paper I knew at once what to do with them. I can still remember when I first saw King Richard I made a quick sketch about him and the rest is history.

Drawing and painting are like the air I breath if I would not be allowed to do them I would suffocate. And besides this every time when I want to see my dear King all I need to do is to paint my way into his kingdom.

King Richard is my only passion and all my art works are related to him in one way or another. He is my greatest inspiration and muse.

Do your friends / familiy / colleagues share your fandom / admiration for King Richard?

Some of my friends at Facebook are as big fans as I am but they live in England or USA, I have never met them face to face but we send emails to each other almost daily.

King Richard doesn’t have a strong foothold in Finland and many of my class mates or teachers don’t care so much to get to know of him.

Riikka, your picture series shows a whole back-story around her King Richard creation.

Yes, I have made up quite plenty of “sagas” around of my paintings. I have a quite wild imagination and I’m very happy to share my stories about Richard to those all who are willing to listen. In my stories he is known as “The King of Ghosts” and he rules all kinds supernatural beings at a mythical place called Medviga. But you must forgive my “simple lines” because English is not my native language.

We are very much looking forward to Riikka’s story now and hope, to get glimpses and more insight into her further stories and phantasies around King Richard III, her King of Ghosts!
Thank you very much for this interview and perspective of a dedicated King Richard III fan!



To optimally present Riikka’s wonderful picture story to you, we wondered how best to do this. So we came up with the following solutions:
We decided to give you different options,

  • either the direct link to the pictures
  • a photo story via MyMiki
  • and a photo film on YouTube.


We hope you enjoy the presentations of the story of King Richard, king of Ghosts:

Link to the pictures at Elfwood.


MyMiki – Embedded story-book:




Embedded Story as video on YouTube:


[The video is also available on VIMEO (Password: richard).]


Thank you very much, Riikka, for letting us present you here together with your wonderful creations in support of King Richard III.



Fan-Art banner small


All contributions and blog posts are collected on the

Richard-Fan-Art page

Here you find a collection of fan-art and links to all related blog posts.


Have lots of fun and enjoy !


P.S.: Please contact us here when you are ready with your creation. We are looking forward to present you and your work on KingRichardArmitage.

P.P.S.: Don’t forget to sign the petition to support the filming project “Richard III” by Richard Armitage, if you have not done so already ;o)


Fan-Art: Bccmee and King Richard III

One artist I am sure I don’t need to introduce to you is bccmee.

Phylly interviewed her earlier this year: Interview with bccmee (16th of March 2011)

Bccmee is well known from her blog, her wonderful videos and lately for her gif-month in October 2011.
She is a generous and talented artist and currently shares her knowledge about gif-creation with her blog readers.



In accordance with her October gif-month, she created a wonderful King Richard III scene.
Here comes the gif version:


Richard III gif by bccmee


This scene  to me gives the impression of a commitment or with sound even of an oath to King Richard III.
I don’t want to hold back the full video, where bccmee used this scene at the end, starting at about [2:26]


Bccmee together with Phylly also found an impressive sign, that Richard Armitage indeed is the right actor to play King Richard III, as even the Houses of Parliament in London crown him ;o)
Here comes a King Richard (alias: Lucas North) in a signature picture by bccmee:

bccmee - King Richard (Lucas North)


Thank you, bccmee, for such impressive statements regarding Richard Armitage as King Richard III.



Fan-Art banner small


All contributions and blog posts are being collected on a separate page.
Either click on the banner image or go to


to find the collection of fan-art and related blog posts.


Have lots of fun and enjoy !


P.S.: If you want to join in and take part in creating Fan-Art about King Richard Armitage, please let us know and get in contact with us here. Thank you!


Fan-Art: Stormy Looking Richard III Guy


Richard Fan-Art – The Beginning


The fan-art event is starting today and we are beginning with the presentation of the artful creations, sent in by you, one per week.

Right up at the beginning, we present our first contributor.

Our very lovely and supportive artist answered some questions about herself to us, yet, she wants to remain unnamed here.

So now, before presenting her creation, we let her speak a bit, how she came to fandom, Richard III and her artwork:

Asked about why she wanted to remain unnamed, she kindly answered:

… the way I look at it, it isn’t about me, it’s all about Richard and a project dear to his heart!  ;D

What great heart and unselfish support for our King Richard Armitage!

She very eloquently expressed her interest in Richard Armitage:

I suppose I have a bit of an obsession with him … but in the nicest possible way!

Why would Richard Armitage be the ideal candidate to play King Richard III?

I adored RA’s portrayal of Lucas North … he played the complexity, vulnerability and strength of the character so well … shame about the awful mish-mash that was series 9! I know Lucas had to be written out, but it was so clumsy, not the “elegant” exit that Richard wanted at all … and what a missed opportunity to delve into his Russian past!

Regarding her choice of subject and interest in the historic topic, our artist answered:

I chose that face for him because one of the most important aspects of choosing an image for a successful manip in my humble opinion is finding an image with the right colouring, lighting and angles. I also felt that to maintain one’s position in the world around that time, must have been a hard job requiring determination and “grit” especially if, as RIII did, one grew up surrounded by violence and greed! To show weakness would not have been a good thing! ;D
I’m English and as a child was brought up on the Plantagenet/Tudor dynasties (father Lancastrian, mother from Yorkshire!) so had an interest in this period for many years.

And her choice of fan-outlet is:

My main creative outlet is in Photoshop … Richard inspires me! I’m also starting to learn vidding. […] I do lots of these doodles for relaxation … in fact I started another Richard III but I never did get around to finishing it!

That we really enjoy to hear, as we may hope for further additions and wonderful fan-art about our King Richard Armitage ;o)

Thank you very much for your wonderful contribution!


My first idea regarding this picture was: What a stormy expression.

If I would have been one of his enemies, I would have run away and hid in fear of his wrath, which he expresses in such a fierce way here in this picture.

That bears the question, what would have been, if his enemies at Bosworth would have done the same and Richard III consequently would have won the battle?

If you like, join in on our hypothetical mind game and musings, and speculate with us.

Please leave a comment about your version of what might have happened.


My version is:

  • No Tudor dynasty
  • Perhaps an English – Spanish Plantagenet dynasty, overcoming France and creating a united European political map much earlier than our European Union.
  • If Richard Armitage would have been in the position of King Richard, in my opinion, he would have won all hearts and would have had no need to stop with Europe ;o)


What do you think, might have happened?

Historically absolutely free and wild speculations welcome !


Fan-Art banner small

This time all contributions and blog posts are collected on a separate sub-page, to present the material and news about Fan-Art regarding King Richard Armitage to you.
Either click on the banner image or go to: Richard-Fan-Art to find the collection and news about updates and related blogposts.

Have lots of fun and enjoy !


P.S.: If you want to join in and take part in creating Fan-Art about King Richard Armitage, please let us know and get in contact with us here. Thank you!

Petition - Status !

As of July
22nd 2022, 6 p.m. (CET)
we have 2482 signatures.

Go to sign...


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Royal Family: The deadly sickness that killed Henry VIII’s brother and thousands of others before vanishing without a trace (by Bea Isaacson,

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Can new evidence clear the name of Richard III? (by Chris Lloyd, Darlington & Stockton Times)

December 29, 2021

Did Richard III actually save the boy king he’s accused of killing? (by Lydia Starbuck, Royal Central)

April 23, 2021

Steve Coogan movie The Lost King begins filming (by, British Comedy Guide)

January 31, 2021

Barnard Castle boars date back to King Richard III (by Andrew White, The Northern Echo)

January 12, 2021

Alternate history: what if Richard III had won at Bosworth? – Professor Emeritus Michael Hicks interviewed by Jonny Wilkes (by Jonny Wilkes, Professor Emeritus Michael Hicks, BBC History Revealed)

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April 9, 2020

Steve Coogan confirms Richard III movie ‘next year’ (by BBC East Midlands,

November 1, 2019

Richard III and the Battle of Bosworth – By Mike Ingram (HeritageDaily)

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