Collective Reading – Thanksgiving Break
♛ Collective Reading ♛
As family events on the long Thanksgiving weekend take up lots of time and leave less time for the collective reading, the discussion takes a break today and will resume chat and discussion of the next chapters at the usual time and place next Sunday.
December 2nd, 2012: Discussion of the scheduled next chapters: Book II, chapter 13 – Book III, chapter 4
- Twitter-Chat-Group: Twitter discussion under hashtag #RA4R3
- Facebook-Group: Institute of Armitage Studies
- Schedule on Blog: Distracted in Reality by Fanny/iz4blue
♛ Leicester News ♛
- redOrbit: Scientists Searching For Richard III: ‘It’s Not Like CSI’, by Alan McStravick (15.11.2012)
- This is Leicester: Archbishop Desmond Tutu discusses faith and Richard III during Leicester Uni visit, by Leicester Mercury (15.11.2012)
- Fox Possible skeleton of King Richard III in testing, by Stephanie Pappas (16.11.2012)
- BBC Radio Leicester: Prof. Lin Foxhall interviewed by BBC Radio Leicester about King Richard III identification, expected beginning of the year 2013 (Audio-Interview 19.11.2012)
- BBC News Leicester: Richard III dig: Results expected in January (19.11.2012)
- Story of Leicester: Richard III Walking Tour – Take a walk (or virtual walk) through Leicester and visit its Richard III sights.
- Houston Chronicle: UK find revives the debate over Richard III’s legacy, by Anthony Faiola, Washington Post – A not in all points correct article, which seems to have been written a bit in haste and negligently, though it does combine some of the points in the War of the Cities between Leicester and York to some length. The article ends in a way as if to forcibly come to an ending and so comes to a disappointing kill-it-all conclusion, which is used to death by all Richard III opponents and gets a bit boring and lame by now. (24.11.2012)
I mention this last article, as it is one of the cases that the topic is discussed at length by a foreign, in this case an U.S. newspaper and this in my view makes it worth to mention. Otherwise, I try to avoid articles, which bring no news, but just repeat what is already published in other articles.
I don’t want to bore you with endless repetitions of the same content.
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