Waiting for King Richard
♛ King Richard ♛
- BBC Radio Leicester: Richard III: Leicester’s search for the last Plantagenet king – Documentation about the archaeological research in Leicester and King Richard III, with lots of interviews and interesting facts. (26. / 30.12.2012)
— AVAILABLE only for a limited time (about 7 more days) – So HURRY ! —
– David Baldwin (Author with publications about King Richard III)
– Andy Smith (Richard III Foundation)
– Richard Buckley (University of Leicester)
– Michael Morris (UoL – Found human remains in the trench in Leicester)
– Richard Taylor (UoL – Press conference 12.09.12)
– Sir Peter Soulsby (Mayor of Leicester)
– Prof. Lin Foxhall (UoL, 12.09.12)
– Michael Ibsen (Relative in female line with King Richard III)
– Dr. John Ashdown-Hill (Historian and key researcher in the search for King Richard III)– Philippa Langley (Initiator, Screenwriter & Member of the Richard III Society)
“It’s about time that King Richard III got his turn” [and gets his own film]. Life of King Richard III is “gold dust” for a screenwriter.
And Philippa Langley’s comment about Richard Armitage:
He [Richard Armitage] is my number one favourite for this part [as King Richard III].
He is the most incredibly talented actor. You know, I am a huge fan of the work that he has done.The relevant part is right at the end of the interview. In the version I can access right now, the end is cut off. I hope this will be corrected with the planned next airing of the documentary on 01.01.2013.
- National Geographic News: Body Under British Parking Lot May Be King Richard III, by Heather Pringle (28.12.2012)
- Yorkshire Post: Winter of discontent as we await the truth (24.12.2012)
- AsiaOne.com: Who’s Richard Armitage? – by Esther Ng, The New Paper (23.12.2012)
Plans of Richard Armitage about King Richard III:What’s new?
Armitage hopes investors will come forward to fund the filming of Richard III, a project that he has been working to get off the ground for a few years.
Armitage intends to play the 15th century English king who was believed to have murdered his nephews in a bid to grab the throne. Richard III was the last English king to be killed in battle on English soil.
Incidentally, Armitage was named Richard as he was born on the anniversary of Richard III’s death on Aug 22.
Merry Christmas With King Richard
♛ King Richard Armitage ♛
Mr. Armitage once again mentioned King Richard III in an interview and showed his interest in the depiction of his life.
This is a nice Christmas present for all supporters of the film-petition (already 1078 signatures !)
Richard Armitage in Leicester Mercury (15.12.2012):
“I managed to get home […] when we finished filming in New Zealand,” he [Richard Armitage] says. “It was just as they were finding the Richard III bones in that car park. I’m excited to hear about the findings of this DNA, I’ve watched with interest.
“Richard III, now that’s a play,” he says. “I was named after him. My father’s a historical fanatic about his character and I’ve inherited that enthusiasm, but I know by the time I get the chance I’ll be too old and too tall to play the role. I’d somehow like to realise that part of history.”
(Full article at RichardArmitageNet.com.
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 (with quote))
♛ Christmas with King Richard III ♛
Latest news about a concert with a musical biography of King Richard III pulls the Christmas celebrations at the court of King Richard III into focus.
As a styled pious king with a distinct sense for music, it would be interesting to go back in time and have a glimpse at King Richard III’s Christmas celebrations.
Whatever King Richard III did, if he played games, celebrated with good food and music,
I hope you will have an enjoyable time and wonderful Christmas days.
♛ Christmas in the 15th Century ♛
- Medievalists.net: Richard III’s raucous Christmas parties (21.12.2012)
- Medievalists.net: Seven Medieval Christmas Traditions (20.12.2012)
The Last Resting Place of a King
For once this headline does not refer to the battle of the cities, but a historical research, revealing the last resting place of King Richard III.
Contrary to the fight between cities and cathedrals, this news is not about the human remains of King Richard III, but where he stayed last in his life and where he presumable had his last time of rest before the Battle of Bosworth in the year 1485.
Coming down from Nottingham to meet his enemy Henry Tudor in battle, King Richard III stayed in Leicester at the rather newly built and spectacular timber framed building of the
Blue Boar Inn, Leicester
This is the inn, where King Richard III stayed the night of the 20th of August, 1485, before he went on and camped out in the field directly before the Battle of Bosworth.
King Richard III had his own bed carried along on this journey, which had remaind in the inn, even after the Battle of Bosworth and where rumours have it, that a great gold treasure was found inside in a secret compartment in a hidden bottom.
Perhaps the gold was connected with bad luck, as legend has it, that the person who seems to have found the treasure more than 100 years after King Richard III’s death, the landlady of the Blue Boar Inn at the time, was murdered for the gold coins from the time of King Richard’s reign.
That King Richard III had left his bed at the Blue Boar Inn lets us presume, that King Richard III had intended to either return to Leicester after the battle or at least make further arrangements for his valuables and treasure he had left there.
Richard Buckley, whom we already know for leading the archaeological research at the Greyfriars Church in Leicester, found the documents and detailed information about its construction in the archive of the Goddard family in Leicester, who were famous architects in the area.
The found documents meticulously note the measurements and construction of the building and even allow conclusions about the room, where King Richard III stayed during his visit of the inn and where he left his bed.
This now allowed the University of Leicester, to reconstruct the building in a CAD model (computer-aided design) and build a 3D model of it with the 3D printer of the University of Leicester:

Creator of the CAD model Steffan Davies (left), Richard Buckley (centre) and Dave Thompson (right) who produced the physical model using the University’s rapid prototyping machine – Credit: University of Leicester
(Read more about the Blue Boar Inn, Leicester here
with more details, images and a video with Richard Buckley presenting his research.)
♛ Blue Boar Inn in the Press ♛
- The Guardian: King Richard III’s medieval inn recreated by archaeologists – by Maev Kennedy (18.12.2012)
- BBC News Leicester: Model of Richard III’s Blue Boar Inn made in Leicester (18.12.2012)
Rumours about a King
♛ King Richard ♛
King Richard III is plagued by rumours about all aspects of his life, his reputation, his reign, his behaviour towards his nephews, towards his wife, his brother, …
Now rumours start again:
Is it or is it not him, who was found under a car park in Leicester ?
Is the University of Leicester witholding information about him?
Certainly, King Richard III would have his joy, being the centre of attention again.
So, who am I to argue, when King Richard III gets top coverage in the media:
- The Huffington Post: Richard III ‘Grave’ Under Leicester Car Park May Not Hold Remains Of Fifteenth Century Plantagenet King – Associated Press (15.12.2012)
- University of Leicester: Search for King Richard III: Statement from the University of Leicester, 15 December 2012 – Statement, disclaiming the news in The Telegraph of the same date (15.12.2012)
- BBC News Leicester: Richard III dig: Tests on bones continue – The best overview of the state of research and outlook of possible handling of results in the current discussion, with input from Richard Taylor from the University of Leicester. (15.12.12)
I am curiously watching the developments and am enjoying this perfect advertisement and sign of high interest in ‘our’ king.
♛ Please Note ♛
- The Collective Reading of “The Sunne in Splendour” by Sharon Key Penman continues tomorrow with chapters 5 – 9 in Book III “Lord of the North”.
- Because we have accumulated over 120 unconfirmed signatures of the petition for the film “King Richard III”, confirmation mails are sent out again today.
If you have not received yours, please try signing the petition again. We have some signatures with bouncing e-mail addresses, where there must be an error in the mail address.
Thank you !
The Adventures of a King
♛ Kingly Richard ♛
After I wetted your appetite for our King in “The Hobbit” in my last post, I at least need to show you more about this wonderful training program for our hotly awaited King Richard III. Richard Armitage really impersonates a mighty and fierceful warrior and worthy leader of the dwarves, not unlike another King with rich military prowess, we await hotly to be depicted in a film:
- George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight: Video-Interview – Richard Armitage mentioning King Richard III again as inspiration for his role as Thorin Oakenshield. Especially the self awareness of having a potential of being corrupted, seems to have found its way from Shakespeare’s depiction into the interpretation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s king of the dwarves Thorin Oakenshield. (Topic starting at about [6:30] and Richard III is mentioned at about [7:00] in the video interview.)
- Tribute Entertainment Media Group, Canada: Richard Armitage (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey) Interview | Movie Interview – Video interview with Richard Armitage, by Bonnie Laufer Krebs (published 13.12.12)
♛ King Richard & Music ♛
That Richard Armitage is musical is at no doubt, playing the cello and the flute and being in musical theatre for a time, though with the song “Mysty Mountain” he sang for “The Hobbit”, he repeatedly stated that the goal was to sound not like a musician, but an untrained warrior singing the song with nearly religious meaning for his dwarve-race.
Richard Armitage in the video-interview with Access Hollywood, Canada:
For me, as I thought most of my childhood I would become a musician, the connection between Richard Armitage, King Richard III and music is a very special one. So the next news really got my undivided attention and I want to present this new aspect of King Richard III research to you:
Concert to tell the story of King Richard III:
Time: Friday, January 11th, 2013, at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Leicester, Fraser Noble Hall
Who: Ensemble TritonE
Newly formed trio led by
Janet Forbes, a graduate of the Royal Conservatory, The Hague
Mary-Jannet Lieth, Royal College of Music, London
Elspeth Robertson, Royal College of Music, London
£5 for general public
£3 for Society for Historical Archaeology delegates
Tickets available at:
University of Leicester Shop
Program Plans:
Works from the Glogauer Liedbuch (15th Century German manuscript collection of songs)
Franco-Flemish repertoire from the Low Countries
Jane Forbes has been researching King Richard III’s life and travels, which help her select the kind of music he would have grown up with in England as well as during his time abroad. The concert will have singing and dance music, as well as more serious pieces, to show the spectrum of the contemporary music of King Richard III.
Jane Forbes said about the discovery in Leicester:
When I first heard about the discovery it was really exciting. The music will provide an amazing context to the life of someone like Richard III. We are trying to pick music from places he visited and pieces written about things he was doing.
Now I am really sorry to live nowhere near Leicester, the heart of the research and now the place of this concert with music, which will bring King Richard III’s life back. It would be a dream to be able to hear the concert in January 2013.
Music is one of the main reasons for me, why I so much hope, a film as planned by Richard Armitage can be made about King Richard III.
As “The Hobbit” by Sir Peter Jackson so vividly shows right now, a film well made speaks to so many senses and inspires the imagination.
I hope for a revival, a shown interpretation of King Richard III’s life and times, where the music is such an essential part to bring the time to life again.
♛ Leicester News ♛
Just when I was about to close this article, news breaks that the results about King Richard III might already be definitive, but are not revealed yet, befor the TV screening of the Channel4 documentary.
As these are still rumours, I want to refrain from pronouncing, the results are in, but want to remind, that former researchers not so long ago would have had to base their results on the already revealed circumstancial evidence alone and would not have had the technical equipment we nowadays have, to find out more.
- Daily Mail Online: Human remains found in Leicester car park DO belong to Richard III… but scientists are holding back findings until Channel Four documentary is aired, claims insider – by Anthony Bond (15.12.2012)
- The Telegraph: Carpark skeleton will be confirmed as Richard III – by Nick Collins, Science Correspondent (15.12.2012)
Kingly Richard & King Richard – News
♛ Kingly Richard ♛
- TheOneRing.net: Richard Armitage talks to TheOneRing.net – mentioning King Richard III in the Shakespeare version as method to prepare for his role Thorin Oakenshield in “The Hobbit”. What characteristics did he take from the king?
[…]I ended up using Henry V, Richard III and Macbeth as soliloquies that I could use to get some vocal production going. […] the self hating deformity of Richard III was sort of relevant […].
- The Hobbit Premiere in London: I am off to go on an adventure and will see “The Hobbit” and especially ‘our’ king, today. Not in London, but almost. High frame rate 3D and in English. What a dream come true on a very special day ;o)
For all who want to join the Premiere event of “The Hobbit” in London, CinemaXX has a live stream of the event here: CinemaXX
The live stream will begin at 18:15 o’clock German time, which is 5:15 p.m. U.K. time. - TheOneRing.net: Video about the Misty Mountain “The Hobbit” song of Richard Armitage on YouTube – for all who like me can’t get enough of our king singing:
♛ King Richard ♛
- GeeksAreSexy.net: 2012 in Review: 9 Important Archaeological Discoveries – King Richard III is no. 8 of those important discoveries of the year 2012. The message, that the DNA research will take another 12 years to finish, requires to keep patient. (10.12.2012)
- Yorkshire Post: Winter of discontent as we await the truth – Among other points, poses the question if Tudor King Henry VI intentionally prevented pilgrimages to the burial place of King Richard III by placing him in a friary instead of an openly accessible parish church. (10.12.2012)
- The Guardian: Genetic testing: To catch a king, by Joanna Moorhead – How the research about King Richard III and his relatives today goes on. (08.12.2012)
- 16×9 (Global News Canada): Old Bones: Possible Richard III remains and DNA link found – Video on YouTube about the search for King Richard III in Leicester, with short interview with Dr. Ashdown-Hill and Dr. Turi King – Embedding was not possible, but the video is well worth to watch in its detailed review about the research methods. (01.12.2012)
Full article about “Old Bones” (Global News, Canada – Sean Mallen, Claude Adams, Megan Rowney, 16×9: November 26, 2012) - History Today: Richard III and the Historian’s Quest – Paul Lay about “The Daughter of Time” by Josephine Tey and “Bring Up the Bodies” by Hilary Mantel (29.11.2012)
- npr: Renee Montagne speaks with Member of Parliament Chris Skidmore of Bristol about what are likely the recently discovered remains of Richard III, and attempts to clear the ruthless reputation of the former English king. (29.11.2012)
Christmas Shopping for a Good Cause
Christmas is coming fast and this year, actor Richard Armitage with his current film project “The Hobbit”, for which he travels Canada and the U.S.A. right now, really helps us with Christmas gifts for our loved one’s.
As Zazzle allows commission fees, the idea grew to use the fandom and fan-influence for a good cause.
RichardArmitageNet.com earns fees for charities from sales through Amazon and
CDoart set up an account, to collect fees from sales through Zazzle, which the KingRichardArmitage website joins and recommends to participate, to make an impact through our collective charitable efforts.
Zazzle has a special “The Hobbit” shop, but on all products available on Zazzle and in all international Zazzle Shops, commission fees will be earned when using the given entry links.
The income will be given to the recommended charities by Richard Armitage at Just Giving.
Help us by joining our charitable efforts. Thank you !
(Image and link to Zazzle is also newly embedded in the right sidebar.)
Zazzle has quite a global representation and the links to selected local stores (with the affiliation code to generate the income for charities) are listed here:
Zazzle U.S.A. and worldwide
United Kingdom
New Zealand
More country links at:
Zazzle International
Individual Shops:
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
♥ Richard Armitage Gift Bomb ♥
To create an impact of fandom, is also the effort of a new initiative among Richard Armitage fans, the Richard Armitage Gift Bombing of his charities, to show the enjoyment and support of his fans:
Initiated by Servetus and taken up by Judiang and established with a logo by Gratiana Lovelace, it already is a collective fan initiative:
(Please mention “gift bomb” in your message [German fans may think of creative alternatives, to show the connection to the collective fan-enjoyment/appreciation initiative.])