Happy 563rd Birthday – Winners of the KRA-Quiz
Happy 563rd birthday, King Richard III!
Sorry that I am late with my congratulations and this post. Two work projects kept me awake almost around the clock lately and I must admit, I tried to catch up a bit the last days and slept through a good part of your birthday.
So the announcement of the winners of the KRA-Quiz 2015 comes a bit later than anticipated, but at least the winners already got an e-mail notification.
KRA-Quiz Champions 2015
The winners won so clearly that no drawing or ballot decision was necessary. (I am very glad about that, because I hate having to play fate. Perhaps that is the reason why I subconsciously made the quiz so difficult this time?!)
Both winners have a headstart of some points over the rest of the field, so there can be no doubt who the KRA-champions of 2015 are:
Richard III-Champion 2015
Richard Armitage Champion 2015
Andrea Castano
Well done ! And thank you for all your participations !!!
From the feedback I got regarding the quiz, it was really tough this year. I still hope you had fun and enjoyed the questions.
So congratulations to all participants of the quiz, for taking up the challenge!
The solution of the quiz will be posted shortly. Please give me a few more days to get the page up.
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