The “Richard III” Project


Please support Richard Armitage‘s dream project by signing this


Petition for the “Richard III” project.


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and in our “NewsStream“.)


The Goals of the Petition


King Richard III

King Richard III (Source:

We want to use the collective voice of the Richard Armitage fanbase to demonstrate to potential investors that there is already a global audience for this project. There is an active online community of bloggers and webmasters who will promote its launch and an ever-expanding loyal fanbase who will watch the series.


To revise this king’s negative and ill-deserved image in popular culture and pay tribute to his legacy, the famous British actor Richard Armitage has expressed interest in developing a major film/television project that is envisioned as a prequel to The Tudors, a television series that aired on Showtime and BBC. This project is a deeply personal one for Richard, who was born on the day that Richard III died (August 22) and named after the king by his father.


In his own words:

As an actor, it’s a project I would love to achieve. I believe it is a great story, a socio-political thriller, a love story and a dynastic tragedy. My challenge is to convince commercial producers to see beyond ‘history lesson’, but I strongly suspect that this will be a long way off, probably outside of my ability to play the role, but I wouldn’t rule out playing another role, I may even be producing by the time someone wakes up and realizes the potential for this project.


The literary character of Richard III in William Shakespeare’s play has long overshadowed the historical life and reign of King Richard III of England. He was a loving husband and father, a fierce soldier and fighter, a just governor of his people. As an effective and influential  government leader for change, Richard’s economic, legal, and social contributions to society continue to have an impact on England to this day.

Significant Accomplishments

  • the creation of the Court of Requests for the legal representation of the poor (in 1483)
  • the introduction of bail to protect suspects (in 1484)
  • the ban on restrictions for printing and book sale
  • the translation of the written Laws and Statutes from French into English



Petition - Status !

As of July
22nd 2022, 6 p.m. (CET)
we have 2482 signatures.

Go to sign...


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KRA NewsStream

March 25, 2015

Richard III: Donated white roses will play a part in the floral arrangements at reinterment (by Peter Warzynski, Leicester Mercury)

March 25, 2015

Hailing Richard III …the society king (Nottingham Post)

March 24, 2015

The Detective Novel That Convinced a Generation Richard III Wasn’t Evil (by Sara Polsky, The New Yorker)

March 24, 2015

Richard III’s funeral pall welcomed by traveling Ricardians (by Peter Warzynski, Leicester Mercury)

March 23, 2015

Richard III: When to view the king’s coffin at Leicester Cathedral on Monday, March 23 (Leicester Mercury)

March 23, 2015

Leicester Cathedral forced to stay open as huge crowds turn out to view the coffin of Richard III (by Peter Warzynski, Leicester Mercury)

March 23, 2015

Thousands line Leicester streets for glimpse of Richard III’s coffin (The Guardian)

March 23, 2015

Colin Baker to star in film about discovery of Richard III’s remains (by Harry Fletcher,

March 22, 2015

King Richard III reinterment: Live (Leicester Mercury)

March 22, 2015

Richard III returns to Bosworth Field for final time (by Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph)


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