Fan-Art: Bccmee and King Richard III

One artist I am sure I don’t need to introduce to you is bccmee.

Phylly interviewed her earlier this year: Interview with bccmee (16th of March 2011)

Bccmee is well known from her blog, her wonderful videos and lately for her gif-month in October 2011.
She is a generous and talented artist and currently shares her knowledge about gif-creation with her blog readers.



In accordance with her October gif-month, she created a wonderful King Richard III scene.
Here comes the gif version:


Richard III gif by bccmee


This scene  to me gives the impression of a commitment or with sound even of an oath to King Richard III.
I don’t want to hold back the full video, where bccmee used this scene at the end, starting at about [2:26]


Bccmee together with Phylly also found an impressive sign, that Richard Armitage indeed is the right actor to play King Richard III, as even the Houses of Parliament in London crown him ;o)
Here comes a King Richard (alias: Lucas North) in a signature picture by bccmee:

bccmee - King Richard (Lucas North)


Thank you, bccmee, for such impressive statements regarding Richard Armitage as King Richard III.



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All contributions and blog posts are being collected on a separate page.
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to find the collection of fan-art and related blog posts.


Have lots of fun and enjoy !


P.S.: If you want to join in and take part in creating Fan-Art about King Richard Armitage, please let us know and get in contact with us here. Thank you!


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