King Richard III & Leicester Today
KathrynRuthD on her blog Something about Kathryn… asks
“Will Richard III change us?”
and gives us a live report from Leicester, where the Cathedral makes visitors feel welcome in a typical and heartfelt Leicester way.
Continuing with Leicester Cathedral, the plans for the burial and placement of King Richard III’s tomb are on their way and today, the Richard III Society revealed their designs for the tomb:
- Richard III: First image of tomb that could hold king at Leicester Cathedral (POLL), by Peter Warzynski, Leicester Mercury (13.02.2013) – The design for the tomb of King Richard III is was revealed today by the Richard III Society. On the website of ThisIsLeicester you can even vote if you like the design.
- BBC News: Richard III tomb design proposed by society (13.02.2013)
Channel4, because of the big success of the first documentary about King Richard III, shown on Monday 04.02.2013, will film:
“Richard III: The Unseen Story”
As “Richard III: The King in the Car Park” – which depicted the search by amateur enthusiasts for a king – was such a success, the same film team from Darlow Smithson Productions will continue and now will show the archaeological search with more details and interviews with the scientists.
The documentary is announced for:
Richard III: The Unseen Story
More4 on Wednesday 27 Feb at 9 p.m.
♛ King Richard III ♛
- Reconstructing Richard III’s resting place, by Carli Hilts (07.02.2013) – Reconstruction of the choir in the Greyfriars’ church.
- Los Angeles Times: The many faces of Richard III. Was the English king monstrous or beneficent? A democrat or a tyrant? By Wendy Orent (08.02.2013) – Who was the king really? A well researched article with lots of background information.
- The The Princess and the Gene Pool: The Plantagenet rebel who held the secret to Richard III’s DNA, by Sarah Gristwood (09.02.2013) – Very good background article about the family connections and the importance of the female line – being essential in revealing the identity of King Richard III by comparison of the mtDNA with Michael Ibsen’s.
- How Holinshed’s Chronicles shaped Shakespeare and English history (11.02.2013) – Article and review about a new publication about how historians can shape the world and did influence the later perception of King Richard III.
- (From Newsweek): The Hunt for a King: How Archeologists Found Richard III, by Dan Jones (11.02.2013) – About the essential pre-research to locate the Greyfriars’ church by Leon Hunt in 2011.
- The Telegraph: Richard III: are you related to the dead king? (11.02.2013) – Are you curious now, who your ancestors were?
- Richard III: Discovery prompts calls to find remains of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, by Dan Martin, Leicester Mercury (12.02.2013)
- Richard III Foundation (Petition): (08.02.2013) – Petition by the Richard III Foundation to examine the human remains of the two boys found in the Tower of London in the 17th century and research if they are related to King Richard III and how they died.
The expected result is quite ambivalent, as the bones have been examined by scholars at the time and a contamination of DNA material can no longer be excluded, as DNA of the scholars is no longer available for comparison. The only result, which does have any significance on the case is radiocarbon dating, to verify if they at least belong in the time of the two missing nephews of King Richard III and so potentially could be the nephews Edward V and his younger brother Richard. - The Independent: England’s missing monarchs: Richard III may have been found but eight other rulers are still missing, by Jemma Crew (09.02.2013) – 8 other kings! So hold on, the search continues.
- BBC News: Macbeth’s reign should receive a Richard III-style revision, says MSP (11.02.2013) – Not a search for the remains, but for truth in ‘his story’.
- The Telegraph: Hunt for Richard III: now Leicester wants to find Cardinal Wolsey, by Hayley Dixon (13.02.2013)
You would think that finding King Richard III was so extraordinary that people would be content. – Perhaps for a littel while, but now voices grow louder, demanding other searches, for other kings, queens, saints, spirits, legends, …
Let’s have a look at what flood of expectations King Richard III now did bring to the surface:
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