Visit King Richard III
Only a short while ago, I have been introduced to the Japanes art of creating haiku to bring events and experiences down to a few words, which mostly combine the multitude of the happening better than a long article about it could.
One excample of this extraordinary art of compression, of the densification of meaning, I want to present to you, as Morrighan’s Muse so well describes the find of King Richard III’s remains in “A Story Told“.
♛ King Richard III ♛
- BBC News: The king and aye: Scots author who tackled Richard III’s reputation, by Jennifer Morag Henderson (09.02.2013) – The ‘discovery’ of King Richard III in the year 1951 through the novel of an author, Josephine Tey and “The Daughter of Time”.
- Richard III: Exhibition draws in the crowds at Leicester’s Guildhall, by mthompson22 (08.02.2013) – Visit King Richard III and the exhibition in Leicester showing the process of the researches and the digging to find King Richard III.
- Richard III: Princes’ fate looks set to remain a mystery, by Peter Warzynski (09.02.2013) – The research goes on. King Richard III is found, now, did he murder his nephews? And – would the find really prove the fact?
- Le Figaro (French): Le squelette de Richard III dévoile ses secrets, by Tristan Vey (04.02.2013) – For King Richard III’s French fans, a very interesting articles with many details and a good graphic of the location of the find.
You want to learn and see more about King Richard III ? – You can now visit a King Richard III exhibition in the Guildhall or take one of the guided walks in Leicester. More details on the Leicester City Council website.
The new page “Richard III Found” about the research results begins to grow here on KRA.
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