Modern Form of Battle – Petitions

King Richard Armitage Week 2013 is over now, but the fantastic article contributions and interviews remain available.
Have a look here and test your knowledge about King Richard III in the quiz (solutions here).
The prizes went out via mail last week and should arrive with the two winners and KingRichardArmitage Champions 2013 shortly.

As the fandom of actor Richard Armitage often gets generally refered to as ‘Armitage Army’, it will not astonish that we use the ‘modern form of battle’ to show our hopes and whishes.
Our petition for a film to be made about King Richard III, which involves actor Richard Armitage in whatever function or action he is willing to take, is open worldwide, as also the audience of a potential film is expected to be world spanning, as do our signatures show.
As we run our petition for a film about King Richard III under the influence of actor Richard Armitage for a while now, we observe all later petitions about King Richard III with especial scrutiny, as already the topic connection ‘petition for King Richard’ brings us in close proximity with them, even when we remain completely neutral on any of their outcome.
While our petition addresses all who are interested in King Richard III and actor Richard Armitage, the new petitions for King Richard III are more localised events and most only open for U.K. citizens. Though, are they really ‘for’ King Richard III or just one place or other, interpreting the king and his potential wishes from a modern standpoint and projecting modern ideas, laws and democratic ideals on a Medieval king and – not to fortget, after all – a human being?
This is the question I, though excessively researching the running petitions, never could answer to my complete satisfaction and so I just can’t give any kind of advice how to vote or take part in the ‘Battle of the Cities’ and remain with my neutral standpoint – potentially taking the position of ‘advocatus diaboli‘ to present all positions equally – and link to all petitions available, whenever they come up in the news:

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Petition - Status !

As of July
22nd 2022, 6 p.m. (CET)
we have 2482 signatures.

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