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Leicester News and History


♛ History of Leicester ♛


The following reading by Richard Buckley already was held on 1st of October, but now is available on YouTube. Here he expains and shows examples from the rich history of Leicester, which goes back into Roman times.
The part about King Richard III starts at about [0:55:40], but the whole video and is an interesting overview of the story of Leicester.
At the end of the video, the major of the city of Leicester, Sir Peter Soulsby, bridges the gap between history and modern times and shows the interesting perspective, what can and is intended to be done, to re-connect the modern town of Leicester with its rich history:


♛ Leicester or York? ♛

The battle continues and York is winning supporters, nationally and internationally.
See the new article about the petition, initiated by the Richard III Foundation:


♛ Collective Reading ♛

The weekly article about the next chapters 6 – 10 of “The Sunne in Splendour” by Sharon Kay Penman will follow shortly. It got delayed by some ‘real life’ events, but is under construction right now.
If you are interested in joining in the read, but don’t have the book yet, please consider bying it via, where reference fees will go to the charities selected by Mr. Armitage. Thank you!
If you want more information and discussions around the work of Sharon Kay Penman, please consider the special groups on Facebook, which were brought to our attention by an Australian fan Fiona on Servetus’ blog here.
She mentions the following three groups on Facebook:

  • Sharon Kay Penman Fan Club
  • Australian Sharon Kay Penman Fan Club
  • Justin de Quincy Fan Club


560th Birthday of King Richard III


Happy Birthday, King Richard III


It is hard to tell, but I hope he is very content with the results of the digging in Leicester and the news coverage he, as king of over 500 years ago, could reach in modern times.
We at KRA were really raking our brains what present we could give a king to his 560th birthday.
See what Servetus came up with at her blog Me + Richard Armitage:
Trendy birthday gifts for late medieval English kings
Rose RG 3
A present, we are sure would please King Richard III, is more information about his life and easy access to it, so we chose to start with two projects to easily enable access to details about his life:
Rose RG
The first project is related to the currently collective reading of “The Sunne in Splendour” by Sharon Kay Penman:
Figures – Index, which is expandable into a more general reference of persons connected and in some relation to King Richard III.
Rose 2 RG
The other one is a time table about events about King Richard III’s life and related events:
Please don’t judge too harshly right now, as both works are still at the beginning and work in progress.
Help is welcome at any time!

♛ Richard III – Conference ♛

As the Richard III Foundation especially hold their annual conference in October, because it is the birthday month of King Richard III, today is a very fitting occasion, to remind of their next annual meeting, where guests and non-memebers are very welcome as well.
They hold their annual conference in Market Bosworth on Saturday, 13th of October 2012.
The program is:

  • Dr. John Alban “From Ashwellthorpe to Bosworth: a Yorkist Soldier”
  • Dr. Craig Taylor “Chivalry and the Wars of the Roses”
  • Steve Goodchild “The Arrival: The Role of Richard, Duke of Gloucester at Twekesbury”
  • Mike Ingram “The Road to Bosworth”
  • Mark Downing “Military Effigies in the Yorkist Age”
  • Dr. David Hipshon “The Princes: Contemporary Assumptions”
  • David Baldwin “The Character of Richard III”

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., the conference will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will conclude at 5:00 p.m.
Symposium at Market of Bosworth about “King Richard III”
(Dixie Grammar School, Market Bosworth)
2012 Conference Registration Form (pdf-file)
The day before, on Friday 12th, there is opportunity to a battlefield walk, held and explained by Mike Ingram, who has excellent knowledge about the battle, the area and the historical details. His book, “Bosworth 1485” is a real treasure full of information, background knowledge and thought provoking details.

♛ KRA News ♛

Maria Grazia at her blog Fly High posted her review about the new book by Philippa Gregory “The Kingmaker’s Daughter”, the story of Anne Neville, the later wife of King Richard III.
Read about the female perspective on history and a completely new approach to tell the story of Anne Neville and Richard III.

♛ Leicester News ♛



“The Sunne in Splendour” – Chapter 1 – 5

The discussion of the first 5 chapters of “The Sunne in Splendour” by Sharon Kay Penman began on Twitter yesterday.
Please keep in mind in the discussion, to only discuss the current chapters and if you like make backward references to the already read chapters, as participants are still reading the new chapters. So please don’t spoil the surprise and reading experience for them.


♛ Collective Reading ♛

Some already asked, that the use of a small range of names for various appearing persons is confusing in the ancestry of King Richard III and subsequently in the book of Sharon Kay Penman.
To help you with getting through, here is a family tree of the Plantagenets, to help you.
Servetus posted questions and interesting discussion points on her blog Me+RichardArmitage, to kick off the collective reading this week:
Are you ready for the Richard III rumble?
Some further questions and possible discussion entry points are here:

  • Sunne 1: Why does the book start when Richard III is already about 7 years old and not at his birth?

  • Sunne 2: What does Richard III learn in the first 5 chapters, to make this entry point so important to make it a starting point of the story?

  • Sunne 3: What character traits does Richard III show and do/don’t they make him a likable hero of the story?

  • Sunne 4: What historical sources are there for Richard’s early days of childhood?
    Discussions beyond these topics are very welcome, also on the collective main page for the reading event at Fall in Splendour 2012.

    If you want to join in, new participants are welcome at any time!
    If you want to join in and still need a copy of the book, please consider to make your purchase via the link at, where reference fees will go to the charities selected by Mr. Armitage. Thank you!
  – Print & Kindle edition
    Reference fees gained through links at the KRA website also go to the RA-charities.
    Initiator is Fanny/iz4blue with her blog DistRActed Musings of one ReAlity.
    News and schedule will be available at the end of this week at her blog and at the Facebook page ‘Institute of Armitage Studies‘.

    Schedule of the collective reading

    on Distracted in Reality
    (Also available for Google Calendar there.)

    Two Kings & Two Towns & One Book


    ♕ Two Kings ♕

    Mr. Armitage just appeared as King of the Dwarves, Thorin Oakenshield, in a new video preview to the major cinema production by Sir Peter Jackson “The Hobbit”, which will start with the first part in December 2012.
    First trailer (Link to YouTube).
    Second trailer on YouTube, just published last Wednesday, 19th of September 2012, during J.R.R. Tolkien Week.
    Servetus presented King Richard on her blog Me+Richard Armitage, as Thorin Oakenshield last week got so much attention that she thought, our king might get jealous.
    But there is also so much news and the lively discussion about his last resting place, that King Richard III needs not to worry:

    ♕ News of Two Cities ♕



    ♕ Collective Reading ♕

    Servetus introduces the Twitter procedure of the collective reading and shows, how the discussions will work.
    Here on KRA, we will also give room and create a separate page for the collective reading, to enable discussions and non-time-sensitive discussions to take place.
    We will try to get the discussion started here with posts (approximately on Mondays), collecting information and questions.
    The first discussion of chapter 1 – 5 will start next Sunday, 30th of September 2012! So it is high time to get the book and start reading ;o)
    If you want to join in and still need a copy of the book, please consider to make your purchase via the link at, where reference fees will go to the charities selected by Mr. Armitage. Thank you!
  – Print & Kindle edition
    Reference fees gained through links at the KRA website also go to the RA-charities.
    Initiator is Fanny/iz4blue with her blog DistRActed Musings of one ReAlity.
    News and schedule will be available at the end of this week at her blog and at the Facebook page ‘Institute of Armitage Studies‘.

    Schedule of the collective reading

    on Distracted in Reality
    (Also available for Google Calendar there.)

    Fall in Splendour 2012


    Collective Reading of “The Sunne in Splendour” by Sharon Kay Penman


    The weekly reading-schedule has ended now, but the resources and collected material here remain open !



    (The latest updates with the hashtag #RA4R3 are also available on the RA4R3 Twitter-Page here on KRA.)

    ♕ Resources ♕


    (Under development)


    ♕ Reading Details ♕

    Servetus introduces the Twitter procedure of the collective reading and shows, how the discussions will work.
    Here on KRA, we will also give room, to enable discussions and non-time-sensitive discussions to take place here on this page.
    We will try to get the discussion started with posts in the blog (approximately on Mondays), collecting information and questions.
    The first discussion of chapter 1 – 5 will start next Sunday, 30th of September 2012! So it is high time to get the book and start reading ;o)
    If you want to join in and still need a copy of the book, please consider to make your purchase via the link at, where reference fees will go to the charities selected by Mr. Armitage. Thank you!
  – Print & Kindle edition
    Reference fees gained through links at the KRA website also go to the RA-charities.
    Initiator is Fanny/iz4blue with her blog DistRActed Musings of one ReAlity.
    News and schedule will be available at the end of this week at her blog and at the Facebook page ‘Institute of Armitage Studies‘.

    Schedule of the collective reading

    on Distracted in Reality
    (Also available for Google Calendar there.)

    A Historical Chance…


    ♕ Fall in Splendour ♕

    The schedule is set for our collective reading of
    “The Sunne in Splendour” by Sharon Kay Penman.
    Fanny/iz4blue has announced the details on her blog!
    Distracted Musings of one ReAlity
    If you want to join in and still need a copy of the book, please consider to make your purchase via the link at, where reference fees will go to the charities selected by Mr. Armitage. Thank you!
  – Print & Kindle edition
    Reference fees gained through links at the KRA website also go to the RA-charities.

    ♛ KRA Solutions 2012 ♛

    KRA Quizmaster Servetus
    Servetus, our quizmaster of the KRA Quiz 2012, has a wonderful collection of information about and around the correct answers and where the solutions to the scavenger hunt can be found.
    It is a wonderful collection of information about Mr. Armitage and King Richard III and interesting to read, even if you did not try the scavenger hunt:
    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 puzzle solution [sources]

    ♕ Leicester News ♕

    For all of us, who can’t attend tomorrow’s opening of the Leicester carpark to see the archaeological progress for themselves, the University of Leicester publishes updates and news. Here the latest very promising news of today: University of Leicester

    Ms. Philippa Langley describes the latest finds in Leicester:

    The discovery of Herrick’s garden is a major step forward and I’m incredibly excited. In locating what looks like one of the garden’s pathways and, potentially, its central area which could have once held the three foot stone pillar marking the location of King Richard’s grave, we could be that bit closer to finding the resting place of Britain’s last warrior king.

    Here are some images and examples of the finds:

    1. Fragments of what could be the east end window of the church. (Image credit - University of Leicester)

    Fragments of what could be the east end window of the church. (Image credit – University of Leicester)

    2. Fragments of what could be the east end window of the church. (Image credit - University of Leicester)

    Fragments of what could be the east end window of the church. (Image credit – University of Leicester)

    Lead window came (The H-section leading that supports stained glass windows) from the Grey Friars church (Image credit- University of Leicester)

    Lead window came (The H-section leading that supports stained glass windows) from the Grey Friars church (Image credit- University of Leicester)

    Medieval silver penny found at the site. (Image credit - University of Leicester)

    Medieval silver penny found at the site. (Image credit – University of Leicester)

    Philippa Langley, from the Richard III Society, in Herrick's garden. (Image credit - University of Leicester)

    Philippa Langley, from the Richard III Society, in Herrick’s garden. (Image credit – University of Leicester)

    Stone Frieze which may be from the Choir stall. (Image credit - University of Leicester)

    Stone Frieze which may be from the Choir stall. (Image credit – University of Leicester)

    The official announcement of the opening day tomorrow, 8th of September, 2012 from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m., by the Leicester City Council.

    KRA Champions 2012

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

    ♕ Collective Reading ♕

    Before we start with revealing the winners of the KRA Quiz 2012, so wonderfully created by Servetus, one news ahead of time:
    On 23rd of September 2012
    a collective reading of “The Sunne in Splendour” by Sharon Kay Penman is intended to start.
    Initiator is Fanny/iz4blue with her blog DistRActed Musings of one ReAlity.
    News and schedule will be available at the end of this week at her blog and at the Facebook page ‘Institute of Armitage Studies‘.
    We will keep you informed as well.
    If you want to join in and still need a copy of the book, please consider to make your purchase via the link at, where reference fees will go to the charities selected by Mr. Armitage. Thank you!
  – Print & Kindle edition
    Reference fees gained through links at the KRA website also go to the RA-charities.

    ♛ KRA Champions 2012 ♛



    We had a lot of participants trying their luck in the scavenger hunt and most of them did really well with all the questions.
    Four participants just were top and got not only all questions right, but also in a speed and accuracy which was astonishing.
    It therefor was so very hard for us to decide, who of those four knowledge champions, should win and be our

    KRA Champion 2012

    So we came up with the idea to share the price and give badges of honour to all four of our KRA knowledge champions.
    Here are the prices and options. The chosen itemn will get an individual inscription for each of the four KRA Champions:

    KRA Quiz 2012 - Button

    KRA Quiz 2012 – Button

    KRA Quiz 2012 - Magnet

    KRA Quiz 2012 – Magnet



    The KRA Champions 2012 are:


    • Berta Martínez
    • Claire Clauss
    • Mezz
    • Fabi


    The Winner to decide, where the donation goes, is:

    The collected donation is £ 91,- and the charities which can be chosen are the selected charities of Mr. Armitage, assembled at his Just Giving page.

    • IngeD3


    Winner of the conference ticket by the Richard III Foundation:


    • Carol McKenzie

    A big Thank You to Ms. Joe Ann Ricca from the Richard III Foundation, Inc. for donating this extra price for the scavenger hunt! (See her late articles published on KRA here.)
    Now, that the winners are drawn by lot, we can reveal the Solution to the KRA Quiz 2012. They also can be found on our quiz page and for those, who still want to have a go and test their knowledge, the questions are still open and solutions are kept separate to spoil nothing for you.

    You want to know more? Servetus can help…

    Servetus, our quizmaster coming up with those wonderful questions leading you all through fandom and history, will do a more in-depths explanation with links, tips and background information soon!

    ♕ Leicester News ♕

    Opportunity for all those at or in the area of Leicester:

    • The University of Leicester announced that this weekend, on Saturday, 8th of September 2012, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., the digging location is open for the public. Please consider, that interest is high and there might be queues and parking at the location is not possible, as it is used differently right now. More details can be found here: Leicester University about Search for King Richard III


    KRA Week – Day 8

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

    ♕ ♛ ♕

    The KRA-Week is almost over. Where has this busy week all gone?
    Before we begin with day 8 news and present an interesting new blogger, Zan, our blogger of the day,
    here the main site of the KRA Week 2012 and the scavenger hunt.

    The quiz questions remain open for all to try their luck,
    but winners will only be drawn from entries made till the
    3rd of September 2012!


    As soon as the lot decided on the winners, we will contact the winners and announce them here on KRA on Wednesday 5th of August, 2012!


    ♕ Zan ♕


    Richard III – Source: The History of England, David Hume (1826)

    Zan has entered the Mr. Armitage-bloggosphere only a short while ago, but already has a lovely variety of posts and articles on her blog
    Well, There You Go …
    Musings, Meanderings and Mutterings
    So my tip is to go over there and have a look. Her way of seeing the fandom anew is very refreshing and brings so much heartfelt warmth into fandom and it is a joy to follow her way of discovery.
    For KRA-Week, she has a special report about how she discovered Mr. Armitage and his interest for King Richard III:
    The Newbie Files … King Richard Week 2012
    At the end of the KRA-Week, to present a new beginning of fandom, is something special. What better way to conclude our celebrations for Mr. Armitage and King Richard III.
    May many fans find the refreshing and encouraging effect of fandom and supporting Mr. Armitage and his ‘royal project’.
    Thank you for celebrating KRA-Week with us!

    ♕ Further News of the Day ♕





    ♛ Thank You ! ♛

    Thank you to you all, for participating in the KRA-Week and the scavenger hunt, with commenting in all the KRA-Week 2012 articles and taking part and following the event week!
    We all hope, you enjoyed the week and now wish you luck and lots of fun with solving the Scavenger Hunt!
    Some of you are on a really good way to be our KRA Week 2012 – Champion and we already think about extending the prices, as we have such a lot of worthy candidates.
    Here again all participating bloggers of the week:


    ♛ Scavenger Hunt ♛

    All questions of the scavenger hunt are online now!
    Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6 and the Solution Sentence.
    Entries till the 3rd of September 2012 (all time zones) get a chance to win in our KRA Week 2012.

    TIP for the scavenger hunt:
    To make back-solving of the answers easier for you, all the solution letters arranged in the right order will result in a Solution Sentence.
    The form with the right order for the letters can be reached here – or can be printed/downloaded via this pdf-file.

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

    Richard III Foundation – KRA 2012 – Day 7

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

    ♕ ♛ ♕

    Before we begin with day 7, here the main sites: KRA Week 2012 and the scavenger hunt. (All questions now available – solution transmissions till 3rd of September 2012 enter the drawing.)

    ♕ Richard III Foundation, Inc. ♕

    The Richard III Foundation, Inc. for quite some time supports our efforts with the petition for King Richard Armitage. (See our interview with Ms. Ricca from August 2011)
    They kindly provided us with material, a special price for our Scavenger Hunt and are burning for their and our topic King Richard III.
    So it is an especial joy for me to present them today as our guests here during the KingRichardArmitage Week 2012.
    We have general information about the Richard III Foundation here on the website, which also includes the schedule for their next annual conference, which will take place in Market Bosworth on Saturday, October 13th, 2012.

    Their price contribution for the Scavenger Hunt – Free Conference Ticket for the annual conferenc in Market Bosworth on 13th of October 2012 with lots of interesting readings and research presentations.
    The Richard III Foundation has two very interesting articles for us today, because they shed some light onto an otherwise difficult to determine aspect of King Richard III, his character:

  • Boar Badge of King Richard III by Joe Ann Ricca – A very interesting aspect and answering the question, why King Richard III felt the need to have his own badge, when he already had numerous signes from his family lines available.

  • Francis, Viscount Lovel by Joe Ann Ricca – A gripping account about friendship, trust and loyalty, between Viscount Lovell and King Richard III.

    ♕ Further News of the Day ♕


    • Servetus (Me + Richard Armitage) – Tips for the Scavenger Hunt – Participants are already doing very well ! You are all champions !!!







    ♛ Scavenger Hunt ♛

    All questions of the scavenger hunt are online now!
    Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6 and the Solution Sentence.
    Time to answer is till the 3rd of September, 2012 (till the last time zone).

    TIP for the scavenger hunt:
    To make back-solving of the answers easier for you, all the solution letters arranged in the right order will result in a Solution Sentence.
    The form with the right order for the letters can be reached here – or can be printed/downloaded via this pdf-file.

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

    KRA Week – Day 6

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

    ♕ ♛ ♕

    Before we begin with day 6, here it the main site of the KRA Week 2012 and the scavenger hunt now with all daily questions and the form for the solution sentence opened.

    ♕ Fitzg ♕

    Today’s blogger Fitzg is a well known blogger, though she does not have her own blog.
    With her witty guest blogs at Judiang’s blog ( she and her well loved posts have an among fans popular online home.
    Though today, we were able to steal her away from Judiang with her contribution for the KingRichardArmitage Week:
    Leicestershire Revisited
    Fitzg visits Leicestershire and brings in its influence on Mr. Armitage and his historic interest.
    Her today’s post on Judiang’s blog goes on a journey to search for a saint for Richard Armitage. (As if he were not a saint himself. Good, I admit, perhaps half a saint ;o)
    Fitzg’s Journeys: Seeking A Saint

    ♕ Further News of the Day ♕


    • Servetus (Me + Richard Armitage) – has some more quiz tips! – But so far, contributors are really doing well. You all are my quiz champions already !



    • The BBC has a video about the Leicester digging with information about the location and a short interview with Philippa Langley online on their website about the archaeological project in Leicester: Richard III’s remains: Leicester car park dug up



    ♛ Scavenger Hunt ♛

    All questions of the scavenger hunt are online now!
    Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6 and the Solution Sentence.
    Time to answer is till the 3rd of September, 2012 (till the last time zone).


    TIP for the scavenger hunt:
    To make back-solving of the answers easier for you, all the solution letters arranged in the right order will result in a Solution Sentence.
    The form with the right order for the letters can be reached here – or can be printed/downloaded via this pdf-file.

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

    Petition - Status !

    As of July
    22nd 2022, 6 p.m. (CET)
    we have 2482 signatures.

    Go to sign...


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    KRA NewsStream

    March 16, 2014

    King Richard III’s descendant in Nanoose awaits ruling of U.K. court (by Sandra McCulloch, Times Colonist, Canada)

    March 16, 2014

    Richard III in court (by Mike Pitts, Mike Pitts – Digging Deeper (Blog))

    March 14, 2014

    Richard III: Judicial review bones decision deferred (BBC News)

    March 14, 2014

    Richard III: Decision on reburial is due in next few weeks (Leicester Mercury)

    March 14, 2014

    Richard III: Leicester may face more legal action (Leicester Mercury)

    March 14, 2014

    Richard III: this king should stay in Leicester (The Guardian)

    March 13, 2014

    Richard III judicial review kicks off at last (by Joanne Harris, The Lawyer)

    March 13, 2014

    Richard III burial row revived at the high court (Channel4 News)

    March 13, 2014

    Campaign for Richard III’s reburial in York heard by high court (by Owen Bowcott, The Guardian)

    March 13, 2014

    Richard III judicial review finally set to get under way at High Court (Leicester Mercury)


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    ♛ Richard Armitage Quotes ♛



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