Search Results for: Servetus

KRA 2012 – Day 5

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

♕ ♛ ♕

Before we begin with the Day 5 news…
Today we sent out the confirmation mails to the un-confirmed signers of the petition. Thank you for your help and support!
And here are the main sites, the KRA Week 2012 and the scavenger hunt.

♕ Fabo Laktuko ♕

Fabo Laktuko is an experienced King Richard III blogger and her expertise in filming and film related topics and personel is an unending source of information. She brings wonderful new perspectives into the historic topic.
Today, she has a knowledgeable review about possible producers for us, who we as fans might trust and who could support Mr. Armitage in creating his dream project:
Four Directors Richard Armitage Should Consider for His Richard III Production
Fabo Laktuko also has interesting information about other film and King Richard III related topics and especially scavenger hunters will find her previous articles very helpful:
King Richard III posts

♕ Further News of the Day ♕


  • Servetus (Me + Richard Armitage) – What a thumb can tell in battle and especially regarding success – Or: Richard III thumbshot




  • Our special guest, the
    Richard III Foundation, Inc.
    who will join in with an article during the week and are sponsoring a price for the scavenger hunt, have released a press release regarding the late Channel 4 appeal for a King Richard III documentary and their upcoming King Richard III Conference on 13th of October 2012. They welcome members and guests !!! – For more information also take a look at the program of the conference here.


♛ Scavenger Hunt ♛

Questions of Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5 are online now.
Servetus, as our quizmaster of the KRA Week 2012, has some tips and tricks for you to solve the quiz questions: Day 5 tips
Also take a look at her further articles this week. They contain hints as well and are a joy to read anyway.

TIP for the scavenger hunt:
To make back-solving of the answers easier for you, all the solution letters arranged in the right order will result in a Solution Sentence.
The form with the right order for the letters can be reached here – or can be printed/downloaded via this pdf-file.

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

KRA Week – Day 4

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

♕ ♛ ♕

Before Day 4 information begins:
The KingRichardArmitage Petition has 900 signatures !!!
Thank you for all your support and help with spreading the word!
(We will send out reminder mails to the un-confirmed signers tomorrow, as they once again are more than 90 by now. Automated mails sometimes can go into the spam/trash-folder, so please check there, if you did not get a confirmation mail for your signature so far. Thank you!)
The main sites, the KRA Week 2012 and the scavenger hunt.

♕ Servetus – Me+Richard Armitage ♕


To all fans of Mr. Armitage, I need not introduce Servetus and her blog Me+Richard Armitage.
Her witty, thoughtful and thought-provoking articles, comments and examinations of fandom in all varieties and forms, is such an entertaining and addictive read that (Psst…, I must reveal it, I just can’t keep it a secret) she had 1.000.000 hits on her blog lately. If that is not a reason to celebRAte, especially during the KRA Week?

CongRAtulations, Servetus !
She posts about King Richard III and Richard Armitage each day of the event week, varying from historic to funny.
We have linked to her posts in the daily news (and I must give you a further recommendation – watch out for her tips to solve the scavenger hunt questions!):
Day 5 Quiz Tips

As creator of these wonderful quiz questions, she is allowed to do that. So Servetus is not only our blogger of the day, but also our quizmaster of the KRA Week 2012.
Her questions are tough, but a real champion can’t be determined by too easy questions, can he/she?
As I check the incoming results, I can further reveal, we have some who are on a really good way to become our KRA Champion 2012 !
And should I also reveal a bit about our price for the Champion? – As the final form depends a bit on the choice of the winner, we had not posted images of the price so far. We wanted to make it a badge of honour, the name of the winner will be added to one of the images on the side and the image put on a magnet, button or T-shirt, so the winner can choose what he/she prefers as a price and where best to show his/her championship.
Further articles by Servetus:
She recomments how best to Spend our Money! ?
Servetus’ analysis of a KRA-fangirl’s mind is one further example of her exceptional examinations! – Richard III won’t make me squee. Right?
And I must also reveal, Servetus gives tips and hints in her latest post to help with solving the quiz questions, so a look at all her latest posts is quite helpful, if you need tips for the scavenger hunt.

♕ Further News of the Day ♕


  • ITV – report with video coverage of the location and beginning of the digging in Leicester. Please follow the link to find more details and a video report about the start of the digging here at the website of ITV:


  • As the question about the sisters of King Richard III and their descendants occured in the comments, here a link to a detailed family tree of the Plantagenets.



♛ Scavenger Hunt ♛

Questions of Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4 are online now.


TIP for the scavenger hunt:
To make back-solving of the answers easier for you, all the solution letters arranged in the right order will result in a Solution Sentence.
The form with the right order for the letters can be reached here – or can be printed/downloaded via this pdf-file.

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

KRA Week – Day 3

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

♕ ♛ ♕

Before Day 3 informations start, here are the main sites, the KRA Week 2012 and the scavenger hunt.

♕ Maria Grazia (Fly High!) ♕


RIII and Queen Anne Neville – Stained glass window at Cardiff Castle
(Source: Geoff Wheeler, Richard III Society)

Maria Grazia with her well established blog Fly High! publishes wonderful book reviews and is a great supporter of King Richard III.
We have mentioned her articles repeatedly, so when you do a search for her here on the KRA website, you will find a full list of results.
We also had an interview with Maria Grazia here on KRA, which shows her well informed approach towards the history and literary perception of King Richard III and her full list of articles, she already has published about King Richard III. Those articles can be reached via this page on her blog Fly High!
Today, Maria Grazia presents the news of the day about the archaeological search for the mortal remains of King Richard III in Leicester, and reviews the historical novel
“Some Touch of Pity” by Rhoda Edwards
Enjoy the review and I am sure, after reading it, you will try to get a hold of this book as well.


♕ Further News of the Day ♕


  • The archaeological search for the burrial place of King Richard III in Leicester will be launched TODAY! So watch out for the news coverage on BBC and BBC Breakfast !
    News also is posted here on the KRA page “Search for King Richard




♕ TV-Documentation – King Richard III ♕

The TV-Documentation about King Richard III needs our help
Please support a filming of a documentation about King Richard III TODAY.

Take 2 minutes and voice your opinion today and tomorrow, on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th of August, 2012 (U.K. time), to convince Channel 4 that it is a necessary endeavour and lots of people are already waiting for a documentation about King Richard III and his life, which will take into account all the new research results and finally bring some of the mis-constructions about this English king to an end.
You can put your comment here, to show your support:
Thank you !!!

♛ Scavenger Hunt ♛

Questions of Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 are online now.


TIP for the scavenger hunt:
To make back-solving of the answers easier for you, all the solution letters arranged in the right order will result in a Solution Sentence.
The form with the right order for the letters can be reached here – or can be printed/downloaded via this pdf-file.

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

KRA Week – Day 2

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

♕ ♛ ♕

Before we begin with day 2, here it the main site of the KRA Week 2012 and the scavenger hunt.

♕ Phylly’s Faves ♕


King Richard III

King Richard (Source:

Phylly is a well known blogger in the fan community, always bringing in very special angles to a topic or research.
Her last year’s article during the King Richard Week can be found here (Richard, King of Hearts) and is a real reading tip (!).
It is a wonderful review of the theatre history of King Richard III and Phylly discovers quite a change in the way King Richard III is played and interpreted in different Shakespeare versions on stage with lots of entertaining video-examples.
This year, she created a birthday list for August 22nd, 2012, where King Richard III has an (accidental ?) appearance.
A nice way to show, why we ‘celebrate’ and not only commemorate King Richard III in our KRA Week.

♕ Further News of the Day ♕


  • Servetus (Me + Richard Armitage) – Spend our Money! – Explains the details behind our scavenger hunt and charity procedure to get our money to the charity the winner choses.


  • Fabolaktuko (WhiteRoseWriting) – Come play with us! – Fabolaktuko shows that if you don’t want to spend our money, you still can ‘play with us’ and have fun!



  • TV-tip: Try to keep your eyes out for the BBC news and BBC Breakfast tomorrow, Friday 24th!


♕ TV-Documentation – King Richard III ♕

The TV-Documentation about King Richard III needs our help
Please support a filming of a documentation about King Richard III.
Take 2 minutes and voice your opinion on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th of August, 2012 (U.K. time) to convince Channel 4 that it is a necessary endeavour and lots of people are already waiting for a documentation about King Richard III and his life, which will take into account all the new research results and finally bring some of the mis-constructions about this English king to an end.
You can put your comment here, to show your support:
Thank you !!!

♛ Scavenger Hunt ♛

Questions of Day 1 and Day 2 are online now!


TIP for the scavenger hunt:
To make back-solving of the answers easier for you, all the solution letters arranged in the right order will result in a Solution Sentence.
The form with the right order for the letters can be reached here – or can be printed/downloaded via this pdf-file.

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

Happy Birthday to King Richard Armitage

King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

Happy Birthday,


♛ King ♛ Richard Armitage !


No hurricane can distract you,
no mountain is too high,
no dragon poses an invincible threat
to you, our ♛ king ♛ of hearts, fans and films!


As once again the delivery of a birthday cake (see our last years attempt here) poses a few difficulties, as fans from around the world want to take part in baking it, we have the King Richard Armitage Week 2012 as our online present. Here we all can take part, share and participate in creating and celebrating.
I hope you all will join us in our event week!

♕ ♛ ♕

More details about our first day of KRA Week 2012 and what to expect during the week here:

  • We will present a special blogger of the day each day during the event week. This blogger has an article and information about King Richard III and Richard Armitage. Topics vary from fan articles to historic news and information.

  • We also expect brand new news about King Richard III during the week, about which we will keep you informed.

  • The event week also hosts a scavenger hunt with wonderful prices. (More details about the quiz below and here on the quiz-page.)

  • All information, links and news will be collected on the central “King Richard Week 2012” page on the website.

    ♕ Gratiana Lovelace ♕


    KingRichardArmitage 005

    (Captain America-Premiere, New York) – Source:

    Gratiana as our first KRA Week blogger of the day, has an interesting guest on her blog, who brings a very new perspective to King Richard III and our event week.
    We announced diverse perspectives, but this one really is special and unique!
    Gratiana acts as the spokesperson for Melissa the Mouse, a talented poet, who created a wonderful introduction to the event week in rhymes and verses.
    Have a look for yourself, how wonderfully talented a little and cute mouse can be:
    On Gratiana Lovelace’s blog Something About Love

    ♕ Further News of the Day ♕




    ♕ Contributors of KRA Week 2012 ♕










    • We also have a wonderful special guest, the 
      Richard III Foundation, Inc.
      who will join in with an article during the week and sponsors a price for the scavenger hunt. – So, don’t miss the quiz questions, published each day of the event week!
      They will have a King Richard III Conference on 13th of October 2012 and welcome members and guests !!! – For more information take a look at the program of the conference here.


    ♛ Scavenger Hunt ♛

    The quiz-parts can be reached here at this main quiz-page.
    New daily installments will be opened each day at midnight (U.K. time).
    The answers can be transmitted at any time till the 3rd of September 2012. (They do not need to be answered in any specific order, but please make sure you answer all parts you know, as you lose points otherwise.)

    Winners & Prices:

    • KRA Champion – selection via the most points achieved in the scavenger hunt. (If more than one participant have top points, the decision will be made by lot.)


    • Participation price – the winner, a random participant – independent of his achieved points – selected by lot, will be able to direct the accumulated GBP 91.- to the one (or more) charity he choses from the Mr. Armitage’s Just Giving page.


    • Free entry to the Conference of the Richard III Foundation, Inc. – taking place on 13th of October 2012 at the Dixie Grammar School in Market Bosworth with lots of interesting speakers and topics. More details here: Richard III Foundation-page
      (To ascertain, the ticket really goes to someone who can attend the Conference in Market Bosworth, we check this with a question in the quiz-forms. The ticket will only be given to someone who indicates he can attend and the candidate will be chosen by lot.)


    TIP for the scavenger hunt:
    To make back-solving of the answers easier for you, all the solution letters arranged in the right order will result in a Solution Sentence.
    The form with the right order for the letters can be reached here – or can be printed/downloaded via this pdf-file.

    As we want to make the quiz fun for all participants, we have some security measures in place, so that you can enjoy the participation. This also necessitates a few security questions, but we tried to keep them at a minimum.
    Your mail and personal data will be deleted after the quiz and all relating procedures to execute it, are over. So you need not fear a re-use of your data in any way.
    It remains for us now to wish you wonderful celebrations and a great event week!
    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

  • One Week till KingRichardArmitage Week 2012

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner




    King Richard Armitage Week 2012


    begins on 22nd of August 2012!



    Preparations are continuing …

    • The quiz questions are collected for daily installments during the KingRichardArmitage Week 2012 (Can be answered daily or in bulk till 3rd of September 2012, to be considered in the drawing)
    • Prices and donations are assembled, to make your participation in the scavenger hunt worthwhile
    • Heads are smoking by now, as there is only one week left to finish the participating articles.



    We hope you will enjoy all contributions and will have a good chase for hints in the scavenger hunt. I have seen all the questions and I must say, they are excellent to determine this year’s King Richard Armitage Champion (short: KRA Champion).



    The 22nd of August, 2012

    is the anniversary of two major events, one of which is the commemoration of the Battle of Bosworth in the year 1485, where King Richard III died. The other one, I don’t need to explain to all Richard Armitage fans. And for all who still don’t know, you can have a look at our last year’s celebrations here and here (full article list).



    I am very proud to present, that we will have a guest post by the
    Richard III Foundation, Inc. here on the KRA-blog.
    They also generously donate a price for the scavenger hunt.
    (More details will follow during the event week.)
    Phylly3 (Phylly’s Faves)
    Fabo Laktuko (White Rose: Sincere and Simple Thoughts)


    Fitzg (here on the KingRichardArmitage website)


    Gratiana Lovelace (Something About Love)


    Maria Grazia (Fly High!)


    Servetus (Me + Richard Armitage)


    CDoart (CDoart)



    Mark the date and join us in our celebrations and online-event on KingRichardArmitage.

    All news and updates about the event will be posted here: King Richard Armitage Week 2012



    Announcement – King Richard Armitage Week is Coming

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner  


    Fingers are burning, heads are smoking, planning goes into the heated final stage for the


    King Richard Armitage Week 2012


    beginning on 22nd of August 2012!



    It is the anniversary of two major events, one of which is the commemoration of the Battle of Bosworth in the year 1485, where King Richard III died. The other one, I don’t need to explain to all Richard Armitage fans. And for all who still don’t know, you can have a look at our last year’s celebrations here and here (full article list).


    We will celebrate with articles full of history and great stories and a scavenger hunt (quiz) –

    and don’t worry, all levels of expertise about Richard Armitage and King Richard III will get a fair chance to take part and hints will be given to solve the final big question. We will not make it all too easy for you either, because we will determine our

    King Richard Armitage Champion

    (short: KRA Champion) of the King Richard Armitage Week 2012.


    Participating bloggers and blogs are:

    Fabo Laktuko (White Rose: Sincere and Simple Thoughts)
    Fitzg (here on the KingRichardArmitage website)
    Gratiana (Something About Love)
    Maria Grazia (Fly High!)
    Servetus (Me + Richard Armitage)
    CDoart (CDoart)

    Mark the date and join us in our celebrations and online-event on KingRichardArmitage.
    All news and updates about the event will be posted here: King Richard Armitage Week 2012



    King Richard Week 2012

    King Richard Armitage Week 2012 Banner

    One year went by so quickly and once again, we celebrate a very special day in honour of

    Richard Armitage

    Following our last year’s motto for our ‘favourite workaholic‘, we again will celebrate with articles full of story, history, fun and joy. So take part, comment and share in our celebrations.


    We will post links to the articles here as a central event basis. So stay tuned and celebrate with us from


    22nd till 28th of August, 2012



    ♕ KRA Week 2012 – Content ♕

    Scavenger Hunt (Main page to daily installments!)
    22nd of August 2012Happy Birthday to King Richard Armitage
    23rd of August 2012News of Day 2
    24th of August 2012News of Day 3
    25th of August 2012News of Day 4
    26th of August 2012News of Day 5
    27th of August 2012News of Day 6
    28th of August 2012News of Day 7
    29th of August 2012News of Day 8

    ♕ Contributors of KRA Week 2012 ♕










    • We also have a wonderful special guest, the 
      Richard III Foundation, Inc.
      who will join in with an article during the week and sponsors a price for the scavenger hunt. – So, don’t miss the quiz questions, published each day of the event week!
      They will have a King Richard III Conference on 13th of October 2012 and welcome members and guests !!! – For more information take a look at the program of the conference here.


    King Richard’s New Goal


    Servetus (dedicated blogger about actor Richard Armitage) collected the latest news about King Richard on her blog
    Me+RichardArmitage this week.


    Please go over and have a look. She did such a wonderful job, that I have nothing to add.


    Her idea to envision 1,000 signatures for Mr. Armitage’s birthday in August, sounds wonderful.

    With already well over 800 petition signatures, with all your help, we could make it till August 22nd.
    Please support us to reach this goal!
    Direct link to the petition form: Petition for King Richard III
    Thank you very much for all your kind help!

    That King Richard III is not only a topic of the past, but has very current relevance, a mentioning of ‘Bosworth’ in a business context shows quite vividly.
    Operation Bosworth” (Daily Telegraph, 2nd of May, 2012)
    Would you interpret ‘Bosworth’ in the way it was seen here or even see it as an adequate name for a supposed battle between the economic regions of York and Lancaster?
    (Please excuse the ‘late’ news in this case. I had lost the link, but re-found it. As the discussion so vividly brings King Richard III into our time, I – though late – still wanted to mention it here.)


    King Richard III & Historians



    The question about King Richard III and his fate in history for historians is not an easy one,

    or better put:

    it is a ‘history’ in itself and nothing to be mourned or which can possibly be changed.


    How William Shakespeare saw King Richard III is a point of analysis, an entry point into a time long gone from a perspective and interpretative questions well embedded in the reasoning of our current time.



    A very detailed and enlightening statement about King Richard III and the historical point of view today comes from a well known fan and  – what much better describes her unique approach than ‘fan’ – analyst of Mr. Armitage’s effect on womankind,



    Servetus – on her blog Me+RichardArmitage.

    “richard + richard armitage”: Or, why I am not that kind of Ricardian



    I hope you enjoy the arguments and comparison between historians, Ricardians and Mr. Armitage’s point of interest as much as I did.

    I am very much looking forward to Servetus’ promised continuation of her deep research and analysis into the topic of King Richard III.


    Petition - Status !

    As of July
    22nd 2022, 6 p.m. (CET)
    we have 2482 signatures.

    Go to sign...


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    KRA NewsStream

    January 23, 2022

    Royal Family: The deadly sickness that killed Henry VIII’s brother and thousands of others before vanishing without a trace (by Bea Isaacson,

    January 8, 2022

    Can new evidence clear the name of Richard III? (by Chris Lloyd, Darlington & Stockton Times)

    December 29, 2021

    Did Richard III actually save the boy king he’s accused of killing? (by Lydia Starbuck, Royal Central)

    April 23, 2021

    Steve Coogan movie The Lost King begins filming (by, British Comedy Guide)

    January 31, 2021

    Barnard Castle boars date back to King Richard III (by Andrew White, The Northern Echo)

    January 12, 2021

    Alternate history: what if Richard III had won at Bosworth? – Professor Emeritus Michael Hicks interviewed by Jonny Wilkes (by Jonny Wilkes, Professor Emeritus Michael Hicks, BBC History Revealed)

    September 11, 2020

    Steve Coogan and Stephen Frears to collaborate on The Lost King (

    April 9, 2020

    Steve Coogan confirms Richard III movie ‘next year’ (by BBC East Midlands,

    November 1, 2019

    Richard III and the Battle of Bosworth – By Mike Ingram (HeritageDaily)

    October 8, 2019

    Painted as a villain – how the Tudors regarded Richard III (by Christina J. Faraday, APOLLO.The International Art Magazine)


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